Weekend Fun!

August 18, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ready for some weekend fun time?

Well, here ya go.  This is probably one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time.  It’s about jury selection in the Martin Shkreli case went.


Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Weekend Fun!”

  1. Looking at the pictures of him in the courtroom, I have to wonder if this is a deliberate ploy to get his all-but-sure conviction thrown out on appeal.

  2. Why is he hated? He is just doing the ‘merican dream…screw everyone to get mine capitalism! If people don’t like the methods of this ahole then its their fault as ‘mericans HATE socialism in any form (ie medicine) and elect criminal capitalists as president! Over the next 8yrs (I’m a pessimist) there will be a lot more of the same things going on…get use to it!

  3. WA Skeptic says:


    I love how perceptive people are!

  4. There is a German word for “a face that’s asking for a fist,” and boy, does this [you fill in] qualify.

    So does Donnie, increasingly.

  5. @Rhea
    I think the word you seek is Backpfeifengesicht

  6. Well, now that you mention it, he really does like like a dick!

  7. One of my old law professors told us never, ever think the jury is stupid. Collectively they are the smartest entity in the court house.

  8. Thank you JJ. That was purely pleasurable. I’m still smiling.
