Weekend Fun

February 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you haven’t seen the latest McClatchy – Marist Poll, there’s some fun numbers.



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0 Comments to “Weekend Fun”

  1. Yup, I’ve seen that. The white house loonies are circling the drain. Glub, glub.

  2. Some new use of English there:

    “Independents approve of the job Trump is doing by 40-51. Not surprisingly, Democrats approve by 11-81 percent. Republicans approve by 85-7 percent.”

    Let me fix that.

    “Independents disapprove of the job Trump is doing by 51-40. Not surprisingly, Democrats disapprove by 81-11 percent. Republicans approve by 85-7 percent.”

    There ya go.

    How could anybody think he’s effectively divested himself of his business interests when he’s got Trump buildings in various states and countries and more opening just since January? Are people supposed to not notice the big fat name plastered on everything there?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Oy vey! Donnie’s weekend tweets will punch a new hole in the stratosphere without Shillanka and Jughead to babysit him during the Shabbat. Hope the WH staff is equipped with KleenKover Carpet Film to keep Bannon from destroying the carpets. He gets so excited when he’s alone in the WH with Donnie.

  4. Dan Up NOrth says:

    Don’t forget that these polls are done by the same pollsters who told us that Hillary would be elected president. There is no reason to believe that they have fixed their models, and no reason to believe these numbers.

  5. So the pollster polled deaf, dumb, blind, or crazy people?

  6. @Micr: AKA Republicans.

  7. Dan Up, the reason to believe the numbers is that over the last few years poll numbers have been extremely accurate. One aberration–especially an aberration that centers around something as inherently aberrant as Trump–is not grounds for giving up on polls.

    As for fixing their models, these polls are not for a Presidential election. The models are different to begin with.

    The fact that the polls make sense is another factor in their favor.

  8. Trump hasn’t changed between now and the election. were these people living in a cave back then, out of touch with society, and only coming out to vote? Trump “University”, his constant screwing over of subcontractors, his dealings in Russia, and all his manifest business and personal failures were common knowledge, prior to election day. the people that voted for him (including all those voters questioned in the survey), chose to ignore what was right in front of their eyes, they have no standing to be upset now.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    Thank you, cpinva! For those of us who were paying attention none of this is a surprise. It’s why we didn’t vote for the bastard! Duh!

  10. Still a mystery to me how anyone can approve of Trump’s hateful stumbling, let alone any Democrats.

  11. Maryelle –

    I know. What in holy hell is wrong with 11%of Democrats??
