Wedge Issue Bingo

February 17, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Book Banning

It’s time for Wedge Issue Bingo!  In a desperate effort to stay in power, Republicans invent new wedge issues lies every two years designed to piss off the base and drive them to the polls.  AND, they invent these divisive issues while howling about how Democrats are being divisive.  The really amazing thing is that it works like a charm election after election.

So, let’s list all the wedge issues that republicans have conjured up in the last 20 years or so.  Feel free to add to my list.  I’ll start with the Golden Oldies, then add newer issues:

Christian Nation
Death Tax
Wedding Cakes
School Vouchers
Welfare Queens
Deficit Spending (only when Dems are in office)
Gun Grabbers
Tort Reform
Planned Parenthood
Abortion on Demand
Partial Birth Abortion
Gang Wars
Government is the Problem
Government Takeover of Healthcare
Death Panels
Voter ID
Vote Harvesting
Voter Fraud
Hillary’s Emails
Public Bathrooms (related to Transgender)
Boys Playing Girls’ Sports
Concealed Carry of Guns
Open Carry of Guns
Unlicensed Open Carry of Guns
Rioters (Only Non-White)
Open Borders
Taco Truck on Every Corner
Illegals Vote and get Welfare
Vote by Mail Fraud
Massive Voter Fraud
Anthony Fauci
Vaccines will Kill You
Science Isn’t Real
Mandates are Equal to the Holocaust
Critical Race Theory
Critical Thinking is Bad
White Replacement Theory
Books are Actually Porn
Parental Control of Education
January 6th was “legitimate political discourse”

That’s my list, but I’m sure I’ve missed some.  Ready, Set, Go!

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