Website Issues: UPDATED

February 24, 2017 By: Anna The Geek Category: Uncategorized

UPDATED: So I just installed the cache. How is it going?

Anna the Geek here. I know that the website has been kind of wonky lately. It’s using a lot of server resources. Which means it needs a cache. But the cache seems to not update the website. I have been told that the cache has been updated to work with the website. I will be testing it out today. A few things:

— if the site is acting wonky, reload it. CMD-shift-r on Mac or CTRL+F5 on PC.

— Please email me directly the problems you are having.  My email is

Thanks for your patience.

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0 Comments to “Website Issues: UPDATED”

  1. Thank you, Anna and Ms.Juanita Jean Herownself. With reloading, this site does work even when the wonky gremlins are defying you.

    Refresh, refresh, and maybe refresh again and it’s all good. Weeble wonky is a mere distraction, when we still have full access to the WMDBS.

    Sorry gang, Jane isn’t here to give you a description of what she calls the whirligig thingy. So, I looked it up –

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Thank you, Anna, for your concern and diligence. We all appreciate it. Hugs to you.

  3. Ray in Jerrytown says:

    Yeah. The more cash I have, the better I work, too.

  4. I’m a fellow geek, Anna! As such, I know how truly difficult production support can be. Thank you for all you do!

  5. I have had trouble on Chrome for a week or so. The newest posts didn’t show up. I went to Settings/Advanced Settings/Clear Browsing Data and removed Cache stuff for the last few weeks. This fixes the problem temporarily; I need to do it each time I log in.

    I’ll let you know if the problem recurs. Thanks.

  6. Thank you, Anna! I couldn’t update this site for several days and got WMDBS withdrawal pains, but it’s working fine now.

  7. For the last few days, I’ve had to do a right-click and ‘reload’ to get the new postings. As of this afternoon, I’m getting them on initial load.


  8. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I haven’t had any problems, but the site has been rather slow to load for a few months now. Not enough to complain about, but slow. Maybe a cache will help with that.

  9. I just click the main logo “Juanita Jean” and it becomes current. Then I start with the first post, click comments, and click the previous story until I recognize an an older one.

  10. No problems but thanks for your help!
    Can you get rid of TRUMP too?
    Would appreciate getting rid of that garbage.!

  11. slipstream says:

    Diane, you adorable dreamer. Wish so . . .

  12. @Anna

    So I have a backup of my laptop I took 11/07/2016. If I restore it today, will ALL this just go away?

    Thanks for hammering cache! 🙂

  13. Fenway Fran says:

    Thanks for keeping the shop open. I had trouble last week with no updating, but figured you were on it and I’d just be patient. Of course it helped that I left town for a few days and went to a place with no wifi!!!
