Weather Forecast…

January 20, 2025 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Lie, Trump

Here in Texas we’re all bracing for the winter storm that’s supposed to hit us tonight – or may not, or…whatever.  The forecasts are all over the place, but not for the cold, which is consistently being forecast to be freezing the next couple of days.  It’s the snow/ice/sleet/rain alternatives that are all over the map.  Houston has gone from no precipitation to 7 inches of snow, depending on the hour of the day the forecast comes.  In any event, I’m holed up at the Beer and Bread Emporium, with plenty of supplies and batteries for when the electrical grid fails, which generally happens as soon as the weather drops below 40 or above 90.  Fingers crossed.

Speaking of the weather, current conditions in Washington DC is 28 degrees, partly cloudy.  Recall that Trump moved the inauguration ceremony into the Capitol citing “severe weather”.  I knew that excuse was bullshit and more about stalled hotel occupancy rates (tiny crowd syndrome), and that he didn’t want to see the flag over the Capitol at half staff.  This is typical Trump – either lie about inconvenient facts or hide from them.  It’s pretty interesting that this is his initial message on the first day of his second (and hopefully last) term in the WH.

For reference, here was the weather during previous inaugurations:

2021 42, cloudy, snow flurries
2017, 48, cloudy, sprinkles
2013, 45, cloudy
2009, 28, high clouds
2005, 36, cloudy
2001, 36, pouring rain
1997,  34, high overcast
1993, 40, sunny
1989, 51, cloudy
1985, 7, sunny – held inside
1981, 55, cloudy

So, the weather in DC is no worse than many previous inaugurations, so, as we would expect, Trump is starting this next term by bullshitting.  What a surprise.

0 Comments to “Weather Forecast…”

  1. Was just coming over here to mention all the ‘bullshit” that I just watched at the degradenaugoration. WASF…

    Two main things stood out:
    1- We’re going to seize the Panama Canal back, ASAP, come hell or high water.

    2- We’re going to “expand our territory”!
    DiJiot actually said that, he didn’t mention Greenland or Canada, but along with his clear signals about becoming isolationist and most likely exiting various international groups, like the UN, nothing will be off the table.

    There was a lot more packed in that speech, going to have to study it a bit.

  2. PS- If you heard, or will read, DiJioT’s speech, remember:
    1- They almost always tell you what they’re actually up to.
    2- In their speech, they always speak a large amount of it in “code”. That code is familiar to them, but many liberals/Dems don’t pick up on it. So what you might be hearing may not be what they are saying. And DiJioT’s speech was chock full of code, besides huge amounts of “bullshit”.
    And he’s back speaking on the TV and it’s even worse. With an emphasis on dissing Biden.

  3. I would not have been surprised if he had ordered the arrest of all the past presidents on the stage for TREASON against him personally. All HAIL THE TZAR.

  4. So the Orange One didn’t place his hand on the Bible when he said the oath of office. Does that mean it doesn’t count? Kind of like crossing your fingers behind your back, I guess.

    And Melania’s hat made her look like an undertaker in a spaghetti western. On the plus side, the large brim prevented her husband from actually touching his lips to her when he tried to kiss her. Smart move.

  5. so what color shirts are his paramilitary militia uniforms going to be to be his stormtroopers. Can’t be RED, commie. Black and Brown already been done. Royal PURPLE??

  6. slipstream says:

    We will remember today as the day democracy died in the United States.

  7. It is currently -4 in NW by dog ioway and supposed to hit -16 tonight with zero snow cover to insulate underground water pipes.

    Biden commuted Leonard Peltier’s 2 life sentences for murdering 2 FBI agents in South Duhkota in the 70s hardly anyone believes he actually did. Peltier with live out the remainder of his 80 years under house detention on a Rez in South Duhkota. Still no justice for this ma n sorely abused by s justice system. He was not pardoned.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Slipstream, it’s easy to think that, but I’m hoping it’s just critically wounded but can recover and maybe even learn something.
    Sandridge, I’ve been avoiding all news today hoping not to hear the orange moron’s voice. You did confirm something though. Since he made noise out his face hole (his upper asshole), we know he lied as usual.

  9. Steve @9, good toon, lots of rats, rat tails (even on DiJioT, most appropriately), and kneepads too.

  10. Steve @8, About every other sentence from DiJioT was a blatant LIE, big ones, little ones; much of the Congressional audience was eagerly lapping it up. You could tell the Democrats, they rarely clapped or stood up, while the Rethugs were Battery Bunnies.

    I’ll never understand how people can believe such bullshit and blatant lies.

  11. When he called himself a “Stable Genius” he gave it away. We all know what stables are full of.


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