We Southerners Are Serious About Fried Chicken

April 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Meanwhile, in Memphis …

Police have arrested a Memphis man and his son after the father allegedly brandished an AK-47 at a fast-food restaurant when their order got messed up. The Commercial Appeal reports the incident happened on Thursday at Pirtle’s Chicken in Memphis.

Shocking, isn’t it?  Just shocking.  They were eating fried chicken in Memphis that was not from Gus’s?  Good thing they were armed because that’s a shooting offense in Memphis.

That’s like eating a McRib sandwich instead of Corky’s wet rub rib plate. Or dry rub.  It hardly matters.

Personally, I follow the gourmet rule that if you can buy it through a window in your car, don’t eat it.

If their lawyer needs a witness, I would be happy to testify under oath that eating at Pirtle’s is prima facia proof of insanity.  After all, somebody has to stand up for important things in the south.

Thanks to Hilary for the heads up.

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