We Need Some Damn Research
Okay, Guys, the GOP has released their speaker’s lineup for the convention. This is the best they have, y’all.
I have never heard of most of these people and I truly suspect some hanky-panky.
For example, I noticed the name of a football player, Alex Smith of the Chiefs. I figured Smith was taking the job that Jack Nicklaus and Serena Williams wouldn’t do. Well, come to find out, it’s the far less famous Alex Smith who is speaking. This Alex Smith is the president of College Republicans. Nice try, though. I suspect that Trump didn’t want his other famous athletic supporters (yeah, I know I did that) to speak – Hulk Hogan, Dennis Rodman, and Mike Tyson.
There’s also Kathryn Gates-Skipper, who I looked up in case she’s related to Bill Gates. Come to find out, she’s famous for being a veteran who lies about her record. Yuge, really yuge.
Here’s the list. If you have time today (I don’t) see if you can find out who some of these people are.
Pastor Mark Burns
Phil Ruffin
Congressman Ryan Zinke
Pat Smith
Mark Geist
John Tiegen
Congressman Michael McCaul
Sheriff David Clarke
Congressman Sean Duffy
Darryl Glenn
Senator Tom Cotton
Karen Vaughn
Governor Mike Huckabee
Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Melania Trump
Senator Joni Ernst
Kathryn Gates-Skipper
Marcus Luttrell
Dana White
Governor Asa Hutchinson
Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Michael Mukasey
Andy Wist
Senator Jeff Sessions
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Alex Smith
Speaker Paul Ryan
Congressman Kevin McCarthy
Kerry Woolard .
Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Dr. Ben Carson
Co-Chair Sharon Day
Natalie Gulbis
Kimberlin Brown
Antonio Sabato, Jr.
Peter Thiel
Eileen Collins
Senator Ted Cruz
Newt Gingrich
Michelle Van Etten
Lynne Patton
Eric Trump
Harold Hamm
Congressman Chris Collins
Brock Mealer
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn
Governor Mary Fallin
Darrell Scott
Lisa Shin
Governor Rick Scott
Chairman Reince Priebus
Tom Barrack
Ivanka Trump
Attorney General Pam Bondi
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Chris Cox
Senator Mitch McConnell
Tiffany Trump
Governor Chris Christie
Donald J. Trump Jr.
Governor Scott Walker
Have fun!