We Need More Headlines Like This

March 07, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here ya go —

Seriously, they were protesting across the country, but the one in Raleigh, North Carolina, had a guy who hauled off and shot himself in the leg.

He’s going to be charged with possession of a firearm at a protest. Apparently the fine is $10 and a couple of hours pulling weeds at the DA’s favorite golf course.

“[Police officers] acted like everything was fine and normal,” explained volunteer coordinator Kelsea McLain. “We are genuinely confused and concerned why the protest was allowed to continue uninterrupted. We are now at the point where we are very concerned RPD will do nothing to de-escalate and bring safety to the clinic until a patient or a volunteer or staff member is shot.”

I guess nobody asked him if he’s pro-life, why’s he carrying a gun?

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “We Need More Headlines Like This”

  1. When you have rePUKEians in control of the state and city and so many are the police…do not be surprised at violence against those the rePUKEian base do not like…and they getting away with it.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Would have been a better story if he’d shot his middle leg.

  3. Damnit Steve, you beat me to it.

  4. Sorry! I just had to laugh!

  5. slipstream says:

    Steve: too small a target.

  6. Sometimes the right person gets shot, even when the shooter has bad aim.

  7. john in denver says:

    One hopes the other “protesters” understand what can happen with some of their crowd. And I wonder if there will need to be a Go Fund Me campaign to help with medical expenses, because somehow I have doubts he’d have a “Cadillac health” plan. And it is early in the year, so he might have next to nothing in other medical expenses for his annual co-pay.

  8. thatotherjean says:

    I agree with Rick @ #6.

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I doubt other protesters felt threatened by their guy who shot himself. He didn’t point the gun at them, did he? As long as the bad shooters in their crowd shoot only themselves (or women headed for the clinic) they’ll laugh about it.

    Too much stupidity. Too much too much of everything today.
