We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Yoga

October 13, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Our buddy Don A sent this with the comment, “This is amazing. Such a stream of original adjectives is hard to find.”

I agree.  It is a thing a beauty.

By the way, as a practitioner of yoga, I now have another reason to make my morning yoga session at the YMCA – it pisses off the religious right!

Enjoy a good read.

I sip my wine and sigh. What deeply unhappy lives these people must lead, no? So small and cloistered, panicky and scripted, entirely cut off from anything resembling the hot thrum of raw, sticky, swear-worded life as you and I know it, as they shuffle like chilled meatpacks from air conditioned SUV to stuffy Holiday Inn conference room, threadbare high school auditorium to sparsely attended right-wing nutball Midwestern church, retirement home, cotton-candy fairground.

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