We Cannot Look Away

March 28, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am told, and I believe, that if we had seen the bodies of the children at Sandy Hook, this nightmare would be over.  We would have banned AR-15s immediately.

This is an unsurvivable weapon. It is good for nothing except exploding the human body with one shot anywhere on the body.

I remain passionate about this killing machine.

The Washington Post gives us a glimpse of what the AR-15 does.  Seeing this, you will understand why a hundred fully armed, trained, and wearing combat level protection police officers cowered in the face of one teenager with one weapon in Uvalde.

Please don’t look away.


0 Comments to “We Cannot Look Away”

  1. Joyce Pieritz says:

    this should be required viewing for all our representatives – only they need to see the actual bodies, with their loved ones faces superimposed on them. Maybe then they will get it (but I doubt it – they are that craven).

  2. Let the photos of the victims, their bodies, blown apart by assault weapons, to be viewed on a large screen in Congress for these effing reps and senators to see the real carnage. But it probably won’t change anything, until assault rifles directly threaten them and their families.

    Joyce @ 1,

    Yep, viewing should be mandatory for all of them.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m with you Joyce. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn should have been required to go to Uvalde and help remove those poor children and teachers, and then come tell us about it and why they continue to want everyone to have a military weapon.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I would like to add to the pictures of the victims and carnage, testimonials from first responders to what they saw and had to deal with at the scene and some of the family members that would be willing to share how their lives have been permanently traumatized. Even then, I doubt many R congresscritters would be moved because it would cost them votes, if they even showed up. Imagine MTG and Boebert heckling from their seats. MTG already blamed Joe Biden for causing the killings. Disgusting and sick people.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:


    Above is the R family Christmas card and culture.

  6. weakgrip says:

    It is time for the Nashville based music industry to step up to the plate.

  7. This is from 2018, after the mass shooting in Florida.


    I trained on this weapon prior to going to Vietnam in 1971. The drill instructor was very explicit in the use of this weapon and the damage it causes. Was never intended for civilian use – and, I question its use as a military weapon for simple humanitarian reasons. Man has always excelled in the ability to kill other human beings. Nothing new here, unfortunately. You would think we would have evolved more.

  8. fenway fran says:

    I was sick when I read this yesterday. I can only imagine how traumatic is is for anyone who actually has to witness these devastating effects. An interesting poll in Monday’s edition was why do you own an AR-15. Top reason? To defend home and family. Seriously???? https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/american-ar-15-gun-owners/?itid=hp-top-table-main_p001_f002

  9. All dressed up to kill with abandonment in honor of the birthday of the Prince of Peace. This is profanity to the max! And karma will definitely get in their way.

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    dbtexas @ 8

    This is what I posted at the Washington Post under their story about the damage the Armalite does:

    I was in college, in Army ROTC, when the Armalite AR-16 was introduced. It was, among other things, a betrayal of NATO, which had agreed on a common infantry rifle, the M-14.

    That was part of the corruption of the government and the military of that time, though only a signal, not a really impactful betrayal.

    More significant was the justification we were fed about why our NATO allies needed to be betrayed. The idea was to issue an infantry weapon that would kill wherever it hit: There were to be no ‘million-dollar wounds’ among our victims. All were to die, even from a ‘flesh wound’ in the arm.

    If not from shock and tissue damage, then from unstoppable bleeding. It was considered an additional advantage that our victims had minimal battlefield medical support, so that even the slightest hit would be fatal.

    Now, we do it to ourselves.

  11. Weakgrip says:

    Tonight we’ll see if my prediction @#6 comes true
