We Are Here To Arrest You

September 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some militia dude from Arizona wrote an online letter threatening to arrest Michigan Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow for treason over her support of the Iran deal.

Why would some guy in Arizona care in particular about Stabenow?

She will be arrested for treason under Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution,” states the letter. “We have chosen her as our first target due to our strong ties with the Michigan State Militia and their lax gun laws that will allow us to operate in a manner necessary for an operation like this.”

Once this is accomplished, he “will continue to move across the country and arrest everyone involved with the Iran Nuke Deal” including the president.

He says he is working with local law enforcement to “try to keep this as smooth as possible so we don’t have another ‘Shot Heard Round The World’ situation.”

I guess he won’t settle for a dull thud hear all over Arizona?

He’s asking for donations to help his mission.

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0 Comments to “We Are Here To Arrest You”

  1. Was there an address to mail my donation to?? I don’t have any cash, but I do have some other things I could send.

  2. Will potato chips and a jug of water help any?

  3. Another Oaf Keeper looking for attention. He may get more than he bargained for by threatening a Senator. One can only hope.

  4. JJ,

    I know you don’t make this weird stuff up…..but….. dayum.

    This one’s way over the of dumb.

  5. A less than exhaustive search of the interweb uncovers images of a tatted fellow with a goatee and text saying he is 31. I know nothing about tats and goatees. Do either by themselves or in combination suck your common sense out at such an early age? Inquiring minds want know.

  6. Sounds more like some dolt in Arizona wants to talk some fools in Michigan into performing his illegal activities, so there’s less chance they’ll come after him.

    He obviously doesn’t watch Coen Bros movies and know about the Federal B.I.

  7. I think he will be visited by the Secret Service it does not take lightly any threat against the President.

    Probably a member of the sovereign citizen movement.

  8. 1.smart.canerican says:

    These people are stupid, crazy, and possibly very dangerous if they can get others to join their hateful plans. I do hope he can be charged and jailed for this letter.

  9. Could someone quietly conduct this boy back home to his family, and ask them to check the locks?

  10. Are these the same turd who got disinvited to help out Kim Davis in Kentucky? Can somebody find them a deserted Pacific atoll – or maybe an abandoned Walmart – to liberate?

  11. Sorry – make that turds – Coprolite will explain.

  12. SMVM Media

    I am with the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia (SMVM), one of the oldest active militias in Michigan. For the past 21 years (from the days of Norm Olson) we have publicly met and held training events each and every month…… we work and communicate with many Militia’s of Michigan….. the III%’s, Michigan Home Guard, Black Creek Volunteers, Sentinel’s, Southwest Michigan Volunteer Militia (SWMVM), Michigan Militia Corps Wolverines (MMCW), Genesee County Volunteer Militia (GCVM), Down River Militia (DVM), Superior Unorganized Michigan Militia (SUMM)……. These are all above ground and public militias.

    We know of no militia in Michigan that is participating in these actions, also we do not appreciate armed out-of-state groups invading Michigan and throwing around the “Michigan Militia” name as participants.

    SMVM Staff

  13. What do you suppose happened to this guy when he was a little kid?

    Sad little man, gnash. Gnash. Gnash

  14. http://lansingcitypulse.com/blog-12114-Stabenow's-unlikely-defenders.html

    Militia groups in Michigan are coming to the defense of U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow. ………………The news comes as CQ Roll Callreports Capitol Police are investigating a threat to arrest Stabenow for ‘treason’ for her support of the Iran nuclear deal. …………….Jon Ritzheimer, the Arizona resident who reportedly attracted FBI attention when he organized an anti-Muslim protest rally and “draw Muhammad” cartoon contest at a Phoenix mosque, shared his plan to organize with fellow U.S. Marines in an open letter posted online Monday.

    “We are planning on arresting Senator Debbie Stabenow, who voted yes to the Iran Nuke Deal. She will be arrested for treason under Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution,” states the letter. “We have chosen her as our first target due to our strong ties with the Michigan State Militia and their lax gun laws that will allow us to operate in a manner necessary for an operation like this.”

    Ritzheimer, 31, claims that after successfully detaining the Michigan Democrat, he and his armed militia “will continue to move across the country and arrest everyone involved with the Iran Nuke Deal” including the president.

    That announcement has not settled well with members of Michigan’s militia community. Michael W. Lackomar, of Brighton, is the communications guy for the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia — the state’s largest. He said all of the state’s militia have spoken and come to the conclusion that Ritzheimer “has no authority to do this,” and that the Arizona resident does not have support in state with local militias.

    Here’s what Lackomar told City Pulse The Beat via Facebook message last night: His choice of Michigan as his target, we feel, is meant to get attention.

    Now, Understand… I have very little in common with Stabenow, and I disagree with MOST of her positions.

    BUT, She is OUR (Michigan’s) elected representative. AND… For an outsider to think he can come in and remove OUR people… That’s unacceptable. The militias of Michigan will oppose this illegal attempt to harass and detain our officials… by force, if we must.

    Stabenow is surely thanking her lucky stars this morning.

  15. I suggest, if he’s really serious about this, he start collecting empty soda bottles, to turn in for the deposit. I should think he’d have enough money to cover the gas in a couple of months or so.

    I think what he really needs is to have the contents (such as they may be) of his head examined, the boy doesn’t seem to be dealing with a full deck.

  16. He is off his meds.

  17. Elise from CA says:

    Oh, Error-Zona…sigh…eyeroll.

  18. Rhea and Mary Beth, with apologies to Dr. Demento, I’m thinking that “some nice young men in some clean white coats” need to visit him….

  19. I would love to donate but unfortunately I do not have any anti-psychotic meds available.

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    I, too, would like to donate. Does the USPS ship Rottweiler poop if you wrap it nice?

  21. Oh look..we have an out-of-state guest.

  22. This guy Jon Ritzheimer, is the reason why my son the math teacher wants big pharma to provide Ritalin or Adderall in spray bottles. Jon needs to be hosed down in some good meds. Then maybe he can regain some control, abandon fire arms, put up the bong and move out of granny’s basement.

  23. I lived in Michigan for simply AGES. Got my undergrad there from a state university. I rather figured the MI militia, the real one, would not take very kindly to this guy or care if he is sane or insane. I know Debbie Stabenow from a way back. She was a good state legislator and since coming to D.C. has worked hard on things such as the Farm Bill which at one time included the food stamp program, now known as SNAP. That one thing right there tells me she has some handle on Matthew 25. I would actually bust a leg for her if necessary. She also is able to cope quite well with even with even the more extreme personalities on the other side of the aisle. In other words, she is respected. Odd, isn’t it though, that this great big macho guy went after a woman first thing to achieve his goals.

  24. Oh goody. Now we have some trigger-happy lamebrain trying to reassure us that “… The militias of Michigan will oppose this illegal attempt to harass and detain our officials… by force, if we must.”

    Now there’s a concept – a brand-new war between the states involving homegrown militias. Let them settle each other’s hash in some unpopulated neutral area like the Western Nebraska Sandhills, where no one else gets hurt.

    After the dust clears – long-term reservations in a federal superman for the survivors. Darwin Awards With Oak Leaf Clusters for the deceased.

  25. Should be “supermax.”

    Gotta turn off Auto Correct.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    He should start by arresting Arizona’s Sinators who are the reason an Iran deal was necessary to begin with.

  27. Isn’t this the guy that admits to being Dishonorably Discharged from the USMC? As I understand it, someone who has been DD is not allowed to possess firearms.

    This guy definitely needs his meds adjusted.

  28. Linda Lester says:

    It used to be that people like this guy were monitored and observed by the FBI as potential terrorists and if need be dealt with them in accordance with the law. Now it seems that these nuts are given carte blanche to do whatever–I still have not gotten over why the Bundyites have not been hauled off to jail over the incident with them aiming their assault rifles against BLM officials acting in accordance with the law———————–Really? What is happening here.

  29. Linda Phipps says:

    Lynn, I have some leftover Percocet which is expired, and possible toxic by now I could donate.

  30. Corinne Sabo says:

    Arizona heat is a real brain-fryer.

  31. charles r. phillips says:

    I’d give this fella some money, but since I can tell he’s a soveriegn citizen, I don’t think he could use it.

    Hey, if we give him enough money–about a dollar two ninety-eight–maybe he can become the president of Somalia!

  32. charles r. phillips says:

    For JAKVirginia, “no” on the dog scat, I checked.

    However, FedEx is a bit more tolerant. Try there.

  33. Apparently Thumper up there resents this AZ yahoo threatening a Michigan elected official. See, only Michigan yahoos can threaten “OUR” Michigan officials. And they will oppose with deadly force any attempt by “OUTSIDERS” to horn in on their attempts to intimidate elected Democrats.

  34. I will give the AZ yahoo credit for presenting a compelling argument for gun control: our lax gun laws, state and federal, do indeed allow for the possibility of armed gangs and terrorists going on a nationwide spree of political violence and kidnapping high govt officials, all of which would be much more difficult without easy access to, and interstate dealing of, firearms.

  35. Mary in San Antonio says:

    JAKVirginia, maybe if it’s packed in dry ice?
