We Are All A Little Conspiratorial And You Can’t Blame Us

July 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The shooting of the son and husband of U.S. District Judge Esther Salas immediately made us all consider that it had to do with Deutsche Bank because of her connection to those cases.

It probably wasn’t that.

A lawyer who had a case in her court seven years ago committed suicide and is the main suspect in the case.

A lawyer whose body was found in New York Monday morning is being investigated as the possible shooter who killed the son of U.S. District Judge Esther Salas and severely wounded her husband in New Jersey Sunday night, according to multiple media reports,

The lawyer, who had a case before Salas in 2015, apparently died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, ABC News said. NBC New York, citing unnamed sources, said the man was an attorney who filed various sorts of civil lawsuits over the years.

I imagine there’s more to come on this story.


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0 Comments to “We Are All A Little Conspiratorial And You Can’t Blame Us”

  1. Harry Eagar says:

    I have no information but if he had worked in her court, he would have known he wasn’t shooting the judge. So I need some further persuading.

    Attacks on judges while uncommon are not unknown, but all the ones I ever heard of were done by litigants, not lawyers.

    Perhaps this lawyer was me mentally sick — if in fact he done it.

  2. el lagarto says:

    “Roy Den Hollander, a Manhattan lawyer and self-described antifeminist,”…. uh-oh….

  3. I have no doubt Epstein may have been an issue but whatever his relationship he had to powerful peoples bad behavior is dwarfed by the insolvency and long standing criminal record of DB. The kind and number of people that profited through transactions with the banks complicity almost certainly include some who would kill to influence an investigation.

  4. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Like Lee Harvey Oswald, there was no other person involved.

  5. 1toughlady says:

    This is the same yutz who sued NYC about ladies’ nights at bars. He was a real piece of work.

  6. Old Fart says:

    I’m sorry to say it, but this seems like yet another example of an angry incel taking his frustrations out on yet another innocent bystander…

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    Old Fartf @ 6, you’re probably right. But if we had Q-clearance smarts like the qanon idiots, we’d be thinking that the guy was a putz. And he did not commit suicide, but was killed afterwards to provide a cut-out for the Real Killers (TM). Sadly, it’s probably an incel like you said.

    1toughlady: Thanks, I never would have made that connection without your comment. Even if he did not carry out the attack, your evaluation (a real piece of work) stands true.

    Anyone offering over/under odds on how long it will take the RWNJs to claim it’s a false flag operation, that it’s really ANTIFA or violent anarchists who did it, and it’s all a plot to smear Trump with the Deutsch Bank / Epstein connection?

  8. Well, this is interesting, The MRA and “anti-feminist litigator” who tried to shoot Judge Salas ended up killing her son, shooting her husband, then killing himself. He once appeared before the judge but that’s not his only appearance!

    The shooter also apparently appeared on Neil Cavuto back in 2008.

    “Den Hollander later said that women ‘are a suspect class. Every time they open their mouths, I begin to suspect something.'” He also advocated cutting out the feminazis!

    I can understand multiple conspiracy theories at this point if only because he is so nuts.


    And then there’s this from 2016, he sued a nightclub claiming that requiring him to buy a $350 bottle of vodka was a human rights violation. Or the time he sued a bunch of night clubs for violating the 14th Amendment by having “Ladies’ Nights.” Or the time he sued Columbia University for offering women’s studies courses. Or the time he wanted to file a lawsuit to force women to register for the draft.

    And then there was the time he basically sued the entire mainstream media claiming that how they report on Donald Trump is a RICO violation. No, really.


    Oh, and his fixation on his mom! His blog is awash in anti feminist, homophobic, crazy he was a very damaged guy. He spends one of the first paragraphs of a 2019 post talking about how nice his mothers ass was and how hot she was for 40. He also calls his time in nursery school “imprisonment.” No this isn’t at all creepy.

  9. el lagarto says:

    fortunately, we live in a country where a guy like this can have all the guns he wants….

  10. Early reports are that he was a tiny dick anti-feminist, whose main objective in life was that his tiny dick was NOT going to diminish his toxic maniac tiny dick obsessions.

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    el legarto: you got that right

  12. Donna Wade says:

    This same guy is suspected of murdering a “Mens’ rights” lawyer here in our little mountain town. Same MO. Came to the door as a delivery guy. When someone other than the guy answered the door, he asked for him by name, saying he had to sign for the delivery. When his victim came to the door, he started shooting.

    Our sheriffs department is a bunch of cowboys but because of the shooting of the judge’s family getting tied to the case, the FBI will be taking over. Thank goodness, because our local LEOs are the gang that couldn’t shoot straight! It’s the first time our town has been mentioned on the national news and it didn’t involve a wildfire raging out of control. Maybe the two had been feuding over who would be the face of the men’s rights movement? Or over who got credit for the next frivolous lawsuit?

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    The U.S. Marshal’s Service is responsible for guarding federal judges. Too bad they’re all busy in Portland, grabbing people off the street for the “violent anarchist” crime of spraying grafiti on federal buildings.

    But the Justice Department has to make the hard choices: Protect judges, or generate videos that the Trump campaign can use to rouse the MAGATs. So really, there’s no other option for Barr.
