Way To Go, Boys!

March 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let me kidnap you and take you to New Hampshire.  I have to kidnap you because I know you’d never go there under your own free will.

There was a hearing at the New Hampshire House of Representatives about gun safety.  The group Moms Demand Action came to speak in favor of a bill, that has passed in 14 states, making it easier to take guns away from potentially dangerous people.

Since there are no words to express opposition to this bill, the Republican gun nuts only had one way to express their disagreement: they showed up wearing pearls.



Yep.  That happened. They wore pearls to the hearing. The really handsome and manly dude in the middle, sported pin in the shape of a semiautomatic rifle on his lapel to match his pearls.

Their intent was to make fun of the women coming to testify about horrific incidents of gun violence they have suffered in their own lives. The big strong Republican men followed in the footsteps of their leader and President and decided that name calling is always the appropriate action.  They wanted the world to know that these women are merely clutching their pearls.

I dunno. Maybe women should get a symbol for men who either have to hold their gun or their winkies to remind themselves that they are men.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 


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