Watch Your Step There, Newt

January 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt, Dude, you’re tightrope walking over an alligator pit.  You’re walking into the lion’s den with pork chops in your pocket.

Nancy Pelosi  is a good woman not to mess with.  She did not get where she got by being stoopid.  Or by sleeping with another woman’s husband.  But nooooo … you had to open your mouth this morning.

“She lives in a San Francisco environment of very strange fantasies and very strange understandings of reality,” Gingrich said on NBC’s “Today.” “I have no idea what’s in Nancy Pelosi’s head.”

I’ll tell you what’s in her head.  Enough brains to jump start a nuclear powered submarine, that’s what.  Enough determination to soak every crop in Texas.  And enough staying power to make Newt look like he could double dose on Viagra and still not get to second base.

And if you want to talk about fantasies, Newt:  try to explain how you think you’re going to get through this election without talking about your moral behavior.  And reality?  Choke on it, Newt.

You want a piece of her, Newt?  Good luck, pudgy boy.

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