Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

November 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am multi-talented.  I can talk and piss you off at the same time.

I am fixing to do that to a lot of people.

I have had it up to here with the State Democratic Executive Committee in Texas.  I have waited a whole week to write about this, hoping I would calm down and be funny instead of just damn mad.  However, like a fine wine or a hot woman, aging just made my mad better.

Last week some progressives asked the State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) to put some non-binding resolutions on the Democratic primary ballot.  To answer your first question:  yes, Republicans can come over and vote in the Democratic primary but they won’t because they have  primary hotter than a teenager at prom. They will vote in their own primary.  That’s why now is the perfect time to do this.

These resolutions included statements that allowed Democrats in Texas to actually have a voice in what is important to them.  The idea is that it would create interest and get Democrats to the polls in March so it’s easier to get them back in November.  They focused on ideas like the Dream Act and keeping the cost of a college education down – two items which even Rick Perry favors.  Those two passed and will be on the Democratic ballot.  Meh.

The third one that passed is  casino gambling in Texas.

What did not pass was gay marriage, abolition or even a moratorium on the death penalty, and decriminalization of marijuana.

They did not pass because members of the SDEC felt that was far too great a burden to place on our Democratic candidates. Members actually stood up and said that our candidates would get defeated if they stood for these things.

Oh Lord, give me a break and political party.  I am now a member of the Democratic Party – the party of casino gambling.  Whoop-de-damn-do.

Hellfire, casino gambling is the only one I am against.  I saw what it did to Biloxi, Mississippi.  Casino gambling is a tax on the poor and people who are bad at math.  A few connected-types get rich and everybody else gets paid minimum wage.  Those aren’t jobs, that’s slave labor with no benefits.  I hope it gets the hell beat out of it because I do not want to be the party of sleazy casino gambling while ditching my gay brothers and sisters, the disproportionate number of minorities on death row, and supporting Mexican drug lords.

It’s just damn insulting to our base.

A few brave souls stood up and talked passionately, but it was a losing battle.  I had to get up and leave the room for a minute to keep from standing up and hollering, “Son of a Motherless Goat!  Why would you even want candidates who don’t support these things?  Can’t you see that’s why Texas Democrats have been losing for a decade and we hold not even one statewide elective office – because we don’t stand for diddle squat.”

Oh, but now we stand for casino gambling.  That’s what is important to us.

I hope you feel better about us.

And, the leadership of the state party is voiceless to explain why the Texas Democratic Party is more than $27,000 in debt and is going broke.   Sneeze – your brain is dusty.

There was one small hopeful light.  Judge Gilberto Hinojosa, who is the only announced candidate for State Party Chair so far, listened to the debate and then stood and announced, against his own self-interest at being elected as chair, that he favored putting these items on the ballot.   Judge Hinojosa had nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing this.  It was an act of courage that I want you to remember when we vote at the state convention.

I am glad to get that out of my system.  I’m going to the next SDEC meeting with a sack full of balls and hand them out freely.

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