Washingtonian Magazine’s Annual List of Tweetles and Dums

October 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Washingtonian Magazine does an annual list with ratings given to members of congress by done by their staffers.

Ted Cruz practically swept the Dums.


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He’s ranked #2 in Clueless.  He must be slipping.


Thanks to Alfredo over at Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Washingtonian Magazine’s Annual List of Tweetles and Dums”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Tops in Showhorse, eh?

    Rafalca Romney’s gonna be jealous.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Loopy Louie best cook? Maybe they meant most likely to be ‘cooked’ while speaking.

    “Texas representative Louie Gohmert, who still throws his birthday barbecue bash despite the death of bipartisan-ship (and after the Architect of the Capitol ended his practice of holding it on his office balcony).” Translation: Loopy Louie nearly torched the Capitol building.

    The staffers were being too kind by all measures; suspect they mistrusted the anonymity of the poll.

  3. So I am interpreting Washingtonian-speak “Show horse” to mean “Media whore”. I understand “clueless”. I can’t and won’t argue with “most disappointing”, although he quit disappointing me when I quit expecting anything useful from him. Bottom line, as he continues to breath in he wastes oxygen others could put to better use,

  4. Useless wads of DNA.
    Thats the best they can do.

  5. High on conservatives 2016 presidential shortlist:

    Short on common sense
    Short on common decency
    Short on taking the long view

  6. Well, here in Maryland we’ve got second-best Speaker in, not yet of, the House (Steny Hoyer) and Senator Barbara Mikulski gets Meanest and second Fashion Victim. I doubt she’ll care. She once said, “I’ve heard about this South Beach diet. I’m on the South Baltimore diet: fat and grease.”

  7. Fortunately, nobody pays any attention to the Washingtonian–for precisely articles like this one.

  8. Is Ted Cruz an american citizen yet?

    apparently he says he gave up his Canadian citizenship a few months ago, but I think it’s not that simple.

  9. If Ted Cruz runs for the WH, I may consider becoming a ‘birther,’ for want of a better term.
