Warning! This Will Make Your Ears Bleed

August 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sarah Palin takes on Elizabeth Warren.  I could eat some alphabet soup and poop a better speech than Sarah.


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0 Comments to “Warning! This Will Make Your Ears Bleed”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Silver bullet, wooden stake, duct tape? What will it take to rake this irrelevant shrew into the silence we deserve?

    Snowjob Snooky is beyond clueless, if she thinks she can comment on Senator Warren.

    JJ take a well deserved rest. If we feed our family dog some chicken, she’ll out air biscuit what’s her name.

  2. Craig Waters says:

    Dear Miss Juanita,
    Normally I believe in ignoring crazy media-(bad word for prostitutes), but Miss Sarah is so dag burned funny that I have to watch.

  3. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Just reading the first sentence made me laugh. Now to watch the video.

  4. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Okay, I watched the video. She so reliably goes lower than I think is even possible for her.

  5. Has she EVER expressed a coherent thought/sentence?

  6. Watching Caribou Barbie and Ann Coulter is like watching a train wreck—over and over again. Such a couple of attention ho’s. It’s hard to look away (even though we know we should).

  7. I know how to resolve any confusion about ability and knowledge here. Ms. Palin should invite Ms. Warren onto her channel and attempt to speak to her off the cuff. Palin could never begin to hold up her end of a conversation on any topic, with the exception of how to scam her sycophantic followers.

  8. Glad I didn’t pay $10 for that

  9. Sarah Palin spews a weaons-grade form of gibberish. Call it Palinish. It has the unique characteristic of being totally logic-free and devoid of any kind of meaning.

  10. Larry Cross says:

    well so much for the idea that drugs enhance performance …. or maybe she needs some instead?

  11. We need a verb, Sarah. A verb.

  12. Can’t watch her..it makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

  13. I’ve come to the conclusion that Sarah Palin is the gap between thoughts. The place where reason and rationality go to die.

  14. KarenJ503 says:

    You ain’t seen nuthin yet, folks.


    Be sure to read below the “See More”, where side-by-side photos reveal the awful truth about Sarah. Monkey see, monkey do.

  15. What a doofus!

  16. Thank Goodness. It was only 47 seconds.

    I have no idea what the woman said.

  17. Angelo_Frank says:

    How many cans of energy drinks had she consumed before the taping of this?

  18. Now that is some “authentic frontier gibberish.”

  19. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Well, that was painful. But, for the first time I think I can translate The Tundra Tart:

    She thinks all liberals hate fast food so, obviously, we shouldn’t care about the people who work there.

    See? Frozen Brain Logic.

    She’s writing her own jokes so, perhaps this $10/mo grift is her testing the waters for a job in comedy? A Sitcom? A Romcom? I’ll go with a BombCom.

    Sarah Palin is still an illiterate idiot.

  20. A morn should never take on genius.

  21. Sarah’s stepping stones took her onto a pageant runway and stopped in front of a mirror. Now that Magic Mirror is a tv camera permanently fixed on the wall in her great room and the wicked queen can be outraged on demand. This time round she keeps asking it ‘who’s the smartest of us all?’ Well….pretty hard to compete with Snow White aka Warren so her tantrum tramples on the Seven Dwarves of Poverty: race, place, religion, jobs, health, nutrition and opportunity; a wicked stepmother to those less fortunate.

  22. Having been assured that the video was only 47″ long, I gave it a try. I could feel IQ points dribbling out my ears while I listened to that. Even the transcript at the site KarenJ503 suggested didn’t help.

  23. When is she going to have guests on? I’m betting she teams up with Ted Cruz. Somebody will tell her how boring it is to just stand in front of a camera and babble. Ted Cruz will be first guest and Rick Perry second. Cruz will become a regular because he’s just like her.

  24. Once again, Palin demonstrates that she is completely out of touch with reality. Fast food jobs are not stepping stones for many impoverished single women. They support their families doing that work, while the beauty queen scams old conservatives out of their social security to watch her blather on about things she knows not of.

  25. You, Ms. Juanitajean, are a very funny woman.
    I will never eat alphabet soup again.

  26. Rabblerouzzer says:

    I hope what she’s been smokin’ is coming soon to a dispensary near me….

  27. “And Now For Something Completely Different” Please?

  28. like the man sez in blazing saddles “frontier gibberish” ……

  29. Wa Skeptic says:

    Why are there still people paying her fee for the Tundra Barbie Channel when she’s putting it on Facebook?

    Read Ms. Warren’s book and see why Palin will never actually confront Warren in purpose. She’d be blown out of the water in no time.
