War! Mexico!

September 19, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mark Walker, who’s running for North Carolina’s deep-red 6th Congressional district, has decided that we should go to war against Mexico.

UnknownWalker: But, I will tell you If you have foreigners who are sneaking in with drug cartels to me that is a national threat and if we got to go laser or blitz somebody with a couple of fighter jets for a little while to make our point, I don’t have a problem with that either. So yea, whatever you need to do.”

Moderator: “I hope you wouldn’t have any qualms about starting up a little war with Mexico.”

Walker: “Well, we did it before, if we need to do it again, I don’t have a qualm about it.”

Has this guy ever heard of the Alamo?

He’s from North Carolina! North Damn Carolina. Like he knows what’s happening on the border while he’s sitting up there with a bowl of grits and crappy barbeque.

So do we bomb Juarez? Storm the beaches at Cancun?

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “War! Mexico!”

  1. His lack of punctuation makes this an unfortunate sentence. Add a simple comma and you get: “If you have foreigners who are sneaking in with drug cartels to me, that is a national threat…” Why are they sneaking in to him?

    Grammar? “If we got to go laser…somebody…” Someone give this guy a low-level laser pointer, put him on the Border, and tell him he’s in charge of defense.

  2. Grammar? “If we got to go laser…somebody…”

    Not Grammar, very hairy terrorists. Just have the CIA perform a catch and release interrogation session involving a bikin area laser treatment and those terrorists will stay far away from our borders.

  3. OK. Since its his idea, he owns it and he’s the first one over the Rio Grande with a grenade pin in his teeth and the pineapple in his hand. Nah! Never happen. All bushwah and no substance.

  4. Republicans have not heard of a country that they don’t want to bomb. Has anyone suggested bombing Scotland yet?

  5. If the Scot separatists had won the vote and gone all Social Democratic, possibly the US Repubs would have considered it.

    Peace, prosperity, and a strong social safety net (including good public education), as they have in Norway and the Netherlands. Oh, the horror!

    At least we don’t have to worry about that in the good ol’ USA.

  6. Most recently this wingnut was one of the ministers at a Baptist megachurch in Greensboro, though he’s not currently listed on the pastoral staff. Stands to reason. Kill a Mexican for Christ.

  7. Karen in NC says:

    Mark Walker is from my hometown of Greensboro and a former music minister at Lawndale Baptist Church just down the street from me.

    Obviously he must have been playing that organ WAY TOO LOUD to hear any preaching about Jesus’ views on those who are in need. But then it is a Southern Baptist church and he’s a Southern Baptist ordained minister, so that probably was never even part of the program. Hypocrite.

  8. Yup the Republicans answer to everything is to ‘kill it’.
    Problem gone, done with once and for all. (or though they wish)

  9. I’m going to go suck my thumb.

  10. You think he ever had to pay for the gas to run a fighter jet, or for insurance or repairs? or for the funeral of the pilot when he got shot down?

  11. And he obviously knows squat about the Mexican war. But then, what RWNJ understands history?

  12. Craig Waters says:

    Dear Miss Juanita,

    Please tell your friend Mr. Walker to read the news. War uproots people; we would have more refugees.

  13. I have minor experiences with the mean beaches of Cancun. I stand ready to storm at your command Ms JJ.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    War? Really, Mr Walker? Name one that we have won with our superior fighting force and a Pentagon budget greater than the sum total of all other countries’ budgets.

    Look at history, sir. Did we prevail over the guys in flip flops and pajamas from North Viet Nam? Or, consider the Soviet military superiority over the Afghans and our latter quagmire there. We’re on a third trip to Iraq. Care to lay odds on that outcome?

    Time to rethink your war strategy as a ‘solution.’ Consider a little respect for indigenous populations and the many reasons they are willing to fight against all odds, often, if not always to prevail.

    But if reason isn’t your cuppa, feel free to recruit some of those ammosexual militias so eager to patrol the Mexican border. However, please leave the US military and American taxpayers out of your fantasy. By the way, please don’t call us from wherever you bog down. You’re sovereign citizens and free to die for your ‘principles,’ however st00pid.

  15. Sooooo.

    I suspect a couple of things about this person’s beliefs:

    1). He hasn’t served in the military, nor has his immediate family.

    2). Those people south of the border are Papists anyway…

    North Carolina is a nice place, too bad whack jobs have got the run of the place.

  16. Like all Republicans, Mark Walker doesn’t mind starting a war. Provided he is not the one who has to fight and die in it.

  17. Marcia in CO says:

    These RWNJs want to fight and kill so bad … send them packing to go fight ISIS/ISIL or whatever. See how fast they tuck tail and run!!

  18. Y’ all need to take back the crappy bbq comment

  19. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Please hold off on The Storming Of Cancun til December.

    Thank you.

  20. Wooh! My BBQ is better than yours! My BBQ is better than yours! It brings all the boys to the yard!

  21. Long-time fan ………. but wavering at the moment. “Crappy barbecue” in NC? Several thousand years ago, when God decided His people needed something nice, he created BBQ when a PIG farmer in China discovered how tasty the remains of pigs were after being burned to death when his pig sty burned. The farmer went to see if anything could be saved, grabbed a pig, still hot, jammed his fingers in his mouth and, voila!, BBQ was discovered. Pork BBQ. I don’t know how it got to NC, but TX didn’t exist and, besides, how do you burn a herd of cows on the range. If I act out and get the death penalty, my last meal won’t be a cheeseburger from McDonalds. It will be eastern NC BBQ from Smithfield Chicken and BBQ until I pop. (side benefit: save some electricity and go out Green. Boom!)

  22. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, everybody! Folks around here know that I am duty bound to cuss North Carolina Barbeque. My son and daughter-in-law live in North Carolina and no family event lacks in Barbeque arguing.

    By the way, Bubba is a competition pork rib pit master. He’s won big ole honker trophies for making ribs that will make you slap yo momma.

    Don’t take it personal. It’s my duty.

  23. Elise Von Holten says:

    I want an invite to come to your thumb sucking party Marge. I’ll bring my own thumb. It’s too squirrelly out in the real world, and I am in serious need of comfort. I do prefer my back to the corner, so no one can sneak up from behind and get me, but other than that, I’ll bring homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and some really good hot chocolate and be the perfect guest. This guy is old enough to have watched War Games–didn’t he understand the only way to win is to not play? I would hate to lose my good Xian friends, but I’m ready for the rapture to take as many of the people who think they get to go, to get them gone! The rest of us will be fine without the nut jobs…no wars (isn’t Cheney rich enough yet?) feeding the children, educating them, and health care so they can belong to healthy happy families–that’s what I want!

  24. I sometimes laser my cats. They seem to enjoy it.

  25. Thanks, LynnN. I needed a grin, and cats love chasing laser pointers.

  26. I believe we “storm the beaches at Cancun” annually, it’s commonly known as “Spring Break”.

  27. Why do I think that the only thing this guy personally would get involved in as far as a war with Mexico, would be ….. he probably would be willing to “storm” his nearest Taco Bell.

  28. Fred Farklestone says:

    Tea Party is written all over Walker’s face!


  29. Marcia in CO says:

    I’ve never ventured down to Texas … ever!! But I might be tempted just so I could try some of Bubba’s Slap Yo Momma BBQ … holy pork butt … that must be some good stuff!

  30. “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition” is the tea party
    KKKristian policy. The “Love thy neighbor…” message is lost on them, especially their “ministers”.

  31. If you want to stop the drug cartels, then shouldn’t you be bombing America? Without America’s demand for the product there wouldn’t be any cartels. We talk of “blood diamonds,” what about “blood drugs”? America is Mexico’s drug problem.

  32. doquijoterocket says:

    LynnN & Zyxomma- I used to run a laser pointer for my cats until I realized there was nothing there for them to catch so I went to a local discount store and got one of their children’s fishing rigs put a feather at the end of the line.The cats seem to like it real well and now there’s actually something out there for them to catch plus I get a bit of exercise. I’m thinking about swapping out the feather for a catnip mouse or something more substantial.
