Wants to Join The Club

September 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I told you about the new giant Texas Republican PAC for all Republican members of Congress from Texas.  Yes, the PAC called Texans for Texans that’s based in Georgia.

East Texas Congressnut Steve Stockman wanted to join that PAC real bad.  Only problem is — he can’t spell Texas without looking it up.  Click the little one to see the big one.


You might want to check out the PDF just to see the care Stockman puts in his paperwork.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Wants to Join The Club”

  1. Maybe it was going to be “Teexans for Texas” so that he could host celebrity golf fundraisers for the likes of Stephen Baldwin and Ted Nugent. And of course, the Wonka Golf League champ and Head Oompa Loompa himself, John Boehner.

    But it looks like an unintentionally truthful lapsis calami – “Teaxans for Texass” – showing his Freudian petticoats to the world.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    daChipster nails it! Bravo!

  3. Not to rain on the parade, but from the PDF it looks like the chicken-scratch belongs to Stockman’s junior stooge, “Jason Posey,” who also doesn’t seem to know how to spell or abbreviate the word “treasurer.”

  4. That’s sad. And sick.

  5. Well, now I have something concrete to show my grand-children when I tell them to practice their spelling and their penmanship! Thus far they have failed to believe cute little old silver haired granny. They just don’t believe it when I tell them that bad things will happen to them should they be rotten spellers and messy hand-writers.

  6. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    Tres.? oy

  7. Having a semi-illiterate and printing-challenged person do your paperwork doesn’t speak well for one’s decision-making skills. I wouldn’t let anything like this go out with MY name on it.
    Quality counts.
    Says the professor.

  8. Speaking of which, Dana Millbank’s column in the Washington Post this morning referred to Louie G as “eccentric.” I didn’t know Louie had enough money to be called “eccentric” rather than “freakin’ nuts.”

  9. Looks like the spot for the State says “CA”. Not only does he not know how to spell what Pac he wants to join, he doesn’t even have the right State…..words are really starting to fail me..at least ones that I can type here.

  10. Went back to the source, George Carlin. He says Dan Quayle hit the triple: “stupid, full of ****, and ****in’ nuts!” I’m sure Louie would qualify as well as Dan did.

    Mama, don’t watch this:

  11. aw, he is just dyslexic …

  12. What Irene said. What are secretaries for, anyway. He’s handicapped. What kind of legislation has he supported for handicapped folk? He might oughta vote for money to help kids who can’t read.

  13. I looked at the PDF file; he may not even know how to spell his last name. Don’t feel bad Texas, we have a gov over here that makes Palin appear brilliant.

  14. I know that schools have gotten away from teaching kids to write in cursive for several years now (what? are they going to have to teach themselves that in the future so that they can read historical documents, like religion scholars have to learn ancient Greek and Coptic to read original religious tracts?), but what the H%ll are they teaching now? That looked like 2nd grade chicken scratch.

  15. Stoopid is as stoopid does!

  16. He shudda just drawn a star.
