Wanna Sell Some Books?

June 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Bolton’s book had lackluster pre-sales.  Trump sued him and called him a liar.



Oh, yeah.

“Trump’s opposition to publication vastly increases the book’s value, and reader interest around the world… And we’re told that Attorney General William Barr has a starring role in the book.”

Trump, bless his scrambled egg brain, is threatening criminal action.

Thanks to Dennis for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Wanna Sell Some Books?”

  1. Old Fart says:


    I’m not going to buy it. I will let other hardy souls do the disclosure of crap we’ve already known and seen…

  2. Malarkey says:

    I’m with @Old Fart #1. I rushed to download it to my Kindle and then thought, nah! Bolton’s an asshole. Why would I give him my hard earned money? I’ll read the quotes on the blogoshpere.

  3. Barr, being the top notch, smarter than everyone lawyer guy that he is, will surely smack Bolton with charges, under The Alien & Sedition Acts. that they were tossed, over 200 years ago, by the Marshall Court, will be deemed irrelevant.

  4. Trump has spent his entire life threatening & bullying people. He’s built a career around it. But have you noticed? It stopped working a few months ago. He couldn’t threaten COVID-19, he failed at bullying the racial equality protests, even the generals turned on him.

    His favored technique is not only irreparably busted, it’s backfiring on him and he’s been slow to catch on. Trump made the West Point ramp a story, and now he’s selling books for Bolton. I can’t wait for the release of his niece’s book, with the pressure of his split location convention on, he should be ready to blow by then.

  5. If you don’t want to pay into Bolton’s coffers, but still want to read it, check it out as a kindle or audiobook from your local library. You may have to wait, but you won’t have to spend the money.

  6. Now that publishers are only letting libraries order one book so it doesn’t cut into their sales, it will be a WAIT, not a wait. But, hey, why not? I don’t want to support Bolton either.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    He lost me when he didn’t testify at the impeachment trial. Trump does so much new s##t each day, I don’t have time yet to look back!
