Walleyed Snot Nosed Hissy Fit

June 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is a pig.  A pig with a snake wrapped around it.  He Governor Crap in my book.

Today he attacked Wendy Davis personally.   Yeah, the big tough Texan kneecapped a woman.  Not her ideas.  Not what she does politically.  He attacked her and her child.

Wendy Davis makes no bones out of the fact that she was a divorced single mother who got her act together and graduated with honors from Harvard law school.  She is an inspiration.  She had a child by choice.  It was not forced on her.

So, today, Rick Perry uses that inspiring life story to hit her in the gut.

In fact, even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate. It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.

So his argument is that because she had a choice, other women should not have a choice?

He was trying to shame her.

This sniveling weenie slug of a man wants to be President of the United Damn States of America.

You can watch it on You Tube right here.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Walleyed Snot Nosed Hissy Fit”

  1. I nominate Rick Perry for State Douchebag.

  2. I’m delighted that he continues to dig. But there is absolutely no way he will dig himself out of his hole. Oops!

    Please, please Rick keep telling people about this tenacious, strong, intelligent beautiful woman who doesn’t back down in the face of lying, cheating, lawbreaking, uncaring, selfish bullies! I tend to think people will appreciate the contrast between the two of you.

    Enough, I need to go get a pair of running shoes. I’m thinking pink!

    By the way, I’m thinking Mizuno should give Wendy a check!

  3. Lower than a snake’s belly. I am ashamed to know that any part of my country would reward such a creature.

  4. It’s not enough that Rick Perry and his cohorts want to control women’s bodies, it appears he wants to control their minds as well – “It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example…”
    Yes, only Rick Perry really knows what lessons a woman should learn from her own personal experiences.

  5. gidget commando says:

    Uh-oh. I think Governor Goodhair just stepped on somethin’ that’s gonna go all ‘splodey on him.


    That rumbling you hear in the distance is the sound of women all over Texas mobilizing to…how shall I put this delicately…correct him of his mistaken opinion.

  6. Rick Perry is one of the sleaziest governors in the country and perhaps in the history of the State of Texas. Although I hate to post it, Perry really makes George W. Bush appear to be a fine, upstanding human being. The rest of the country sees through the sociopath profile of this current governor. Why can’t those that voted to return him to office see it?

  7. Umptydump says:

    A bully. A chauvinist. A slimeball. He just lays it out there.

    There’s a huge program in the U.S. called (per its website) “CHARACTER COUNTS!, a character development strategy based on universal ethical values called the Six Pillars of Character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship). CHARACTER COUNTS! has grown to become the largest and most successful character development program in the world. Nearly 1,000 organizations deliver the CHARACTER COUNTS! strategies to more than 7 million young people and their families.”

    Many Texas schools incorporate this strategy into their student programs. Unfortunately, that’s when Perry decided to play hooky.

  8. Same argument a lot of the idiots use. Palin etc. they all had choices to get abortions when they medically needed one but they don’t want anyone else to have that right.
    Also see Thomas, Clarence on affirmative action.

  9. JoeCool2 says:

    A classy response from Wendy to the Govenor..

    “They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view,” Davis told the Associated Press Thursday. “Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test.”

    She also added that his comment was “without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds.”

  10. Braxton Braggart says:

    “So his argument is that because she had a choice, other women should not have a choice?”

    Gindy51 is right. This is the same mindset that caused Sarah Palin fans to gush over how she made a brave, courageous “choice” to carry to term a fetus with Down Syndrome — while taking the position that women as a group shouldn’t have a choice at all.

  11. “They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view,” Davis told the Associated Press Thursday. “Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test.”

    That may be…… the understatement of the year.

    Crawl back under your rock, Rick.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Isn’t it funny to watch fully grown men personally attack women rather than discuss the facts of the issue? It just makes them look ignorant and shows us who they really are.

    If Rick Perry can spell & define misogyny, I’ll buy him a pair of pretty pink sneakers.

  13. pk scott says:

    who’s making bumper sticker that says

    Wendy Davis for Governor
    don’t let the bullies win.

    i’m buying.

    It becomes more obvious that the republicans cannot win a reasoned argument for their ‘ideas” and I use the term loosely. That’s why they make personal attacks, lie, cheat, and steal to get their way. These are the acts of desperate men who are seeing the waning of unearned and undeserved white male privilege. what kind of sociopathic cross wired brain do you have to have to think you can only be a man by standing on the backs of women and people of color and children? these dinosaurs cannot die off fast enough because they are working feverishly to enact laws and stack the judiciary to encode their prejudice and insanity into law. we fought these battles once and we can damned well do it again. do the math assholes WE are the majority. You have pissed on and pissed off THE WOMEN and you are to damned stupid to realize that you have wakened a force you cannot begin to reckon with.

  14. Perry reminds me of Joe Walsh when he attacked Tammy Duckworth.

    He better be very, very careful. Attacking Wendy Davis could backfire on him the same way.

  15. pk scott says:

    hey, my daughter just called and said to call Rick Perry’s office at 512 463 2000 and tell him you are not in favor of the special session.

  16. Waco treehugger says:

    I smell something. Is that Karl Rove? Attack your opponent’s strength? That worked so well for Clayton.

  17. So Rick has decided to open his mouth and remove all doubt that he’s the biggest fool in the state of Texas–huh?

  18. Carolsb…from your lips to God’s ears (I hear She’s a very good listener.)

  19. I agree with the Washington Post that Perry is vile http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2013/06/27/19172634-texas-perry-tries-mansplaining-abortion-to-wendy-davis

    The Washington Post’s James Downie summarized the problem well this morning, noting, “I don’t care what your stance on abortion is. Using an opponent’s teen pregnancy in any debate is unbelievably vile.”

  20. Elizabeth says:

    When I was applying to law schools, I saw a chart that said if you had a perfect LSAT score and a 4.0 undergraduate record, you had a 50% chance of getting into Harvard Law. They don’t take idiots. Perry should watch who he’s messing with.

  21. You have to love Senator Wendy Davis’ response to Goodhair’s vile comments http://www.wfaa.com/news/local/Gov-Rick-Perry–213313031.html

    Davis later responded to Perry’s comments.
    “Rick Perry’s statement is without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds,” she said. “They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view. Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test.”

  22. Aggieland liz says:

    Who are we nominating for Gov or Lt Gov y’all? Are we there yet??

    Kind of a pity Wen didn’t take (p)Rick to task over how very little our state does to assist these precious “lives” in reaching their full potential! She might not have been able to attain her present status in today’s problem infested times. Certainly not I the state had to put out any effort or money on her behalf!! Dark and negative is about right.

  23. ” sniveling weenie slug of a man ”

    That’s a billboard. That’s a bumper sticker. That’s for skywriting.

    Yay Juanita!

  24. Leah DiMarco says:

    State Senator Wendy Davis released the following response on Perry’s remarks:

    Rick Perry’s statement is without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds. They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view.

    Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test.


  25. Karla Furr says:

    I suppose Governor Dick…oops,Rick…was cheerleading at A&M and studying how to remain thoroughly closeted when Clayton Williams made his huge blunder by talking about rape when running against Ann Richards. I am going to do everything in my power to see to it that history repeats itself. Dick…er,Rick….is SO OVER.

  26. Juanita Jean says:

    zyxomma – she will not be running against Rick Perry. She will be running against Greg Abbott, another vile and hypocritical man.

  27. Wendy is not going to run for Governor? Well, I’ll support her in whatever she runs for. Perry, Dewhurst, Abbott–they all must go!

    Now to that Tricky Ricky Perry–he obviously thinks this is a contest between himself and Scott Walker of Wisconsin! Funny thing is, they’re neck and neck in the idiot race!

    When you think about Rick Perry, imagine Michelle Bachmann with a penis.

    (I can penis on here, can’t I, Juanita Jean? After all, that is it’s real name. If not, I’m sorry.)

  28. Edith Ann. Abbott will probably win the Rep. primary against Perry, hence Wendy running against him. Hopefully we can get some amazing people to run in the AG race and also for Lt. Gov.

  29. Bubba beat me to it.

  30. Perry said, “..she managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School..” That puts a negative spin to it, as if it were tough making the grades. But, when you add that she graduated top of her class at TCU and with honors from Harvard Law, you know grades were not where her struggles were. Shall we compare her school records to Perry’s at A&M?

    Perry is less than a man and certainly not something that should be governor of a state or in any governmental office.

  31. Perry is a stain in the underpants of Texas and should be treated as such.

  32. Brain, love it. And Texas should be singing “Gonna wash that man right outa my pants….”

    Let’s just stand Wendy Davis near (I won’t say next to) Rick Perry and compare them for class, intelligence, and compassion, shall we? College GPAs a bonus.

  33. Donna Bryant says:

    He’s a pencil dick. Ask any of the men he’s slept with.

  34. Thanks, Edith Ann: “When you think about Rick Perry, imagine Michelle Bachmann with a penis.”

    I’ll have to wash my eyes and brain to clear that image … but, you know what, I bet Michelle’s husband might actually like that idea!! What’cha think?

  35. I apologize Marcia. I know, it was bad. Sorry!

  36. MaryAnne says:

    Juanita, I guess you will all have to take Perry down to the River to be borned,agin,agin!

    Perhaps Perry will turn into a toad,or is he already one?


  37. Corinne Sabo says:

    Perry wouldn’t know a real man if one spat on him. Personally, I wouldn’t waste the spit.

    Wendy is the American Dream in reality. Icky is the American Nightmare in daylight. A zombie wouldn’t go after him – no brains.

  38. Kay Bellah-Massey says:

    P(r)ick Erry ain’t NO KINDA man! I am a Texas Woman and I am sooooo ashamed of him. I only THOUGHT I despised that maggot ; the SHRUB. “HodOMighty”! as my fil used to say!!!

  39. Sandridge says:

    @june says: June 27, 2013 at 2:26 pm
    You nailed it june, exactly what I though upon reading Gov. (p)Rick’s sniveling, innuendo-laced comments about the Honorable Sen. Wendy Davis.

    I had read her Wikipedia page a few days ago and she is a xveryx extremely! accomplished person.
    Against the odds: top marks, honors (I know what kind of effort those take from watching my kids bust thier butts ;] ), superior intelligence, warmth, empathy, true leadership ability, obvious stamina, h.a.w.t. (oops, I’m a guy).
    All attributes and talents that Herr Perry sorely lacks.

    I have mixed feelings about her running for Gov, but only because I think that maybe such talent shouldn’t be wasted in a backwater position. I would prefer Wendy in something like US Senator Cronyn’s place for 2014 (and I think that US Veep in 2016 is not improbable!).

    The revolution has begun- “Bring ’em on!” – “Come and take it”!-.
    We’re Ready, Wendy’s Ready! (hey, new bumpersticker, yes?)
    You Reptiles had better take cover…you have no idea what awaits…

  40. The problem as I see it is that Rick Perry’s Mom didn’t have a choice and look how that turned out.

  41. I want all of you rabble trousers to be my best Friend – Yep, Wendy needs to take Cornholes Senate seat – he sure ain’ t gonna be Guv, Adios Mofos-

  42. “Davis graduated from Harvard Law School. Perry almost flunked out of animal husbandry from an agricultural university.”
    -Major Nikon on the Huffington Post blog.

  43. State Sen. Davis Responds To Rick Perry’s ‘Small Words’


  44. Perry belongs to that class of people of whom I would not give them the sweat off my ass if they were dying of thirst in the desert.

  45. Attila the Blond says:

    Thinkin one or two of Goodhair No Brain’s sugar daddies threatened to turn off the money faucet if he can’t keep the wimmins under better control. Perry sure seems hoppin mad, and not just in the usual ‘as a hatter’ way he is usually mad.

  46. In the UK we had a term for the likes of Rick Perry: I wouldn’t cross the road to piss on him if he was on fire.

  47. We need to abort Perry!

  48. That sumbitch shit in his best today when he talked about Wendy like that. All aware Americans have or will see that video and see what a scumbag he is — even the other guys usually do better that that!.

  49. I’m inclined to give as good as I get, so I’m going THERE with Gov. Goodhair. I don’t think he’d like it much if someone mentioned something to him about his and his family’s past, and it’s that little ole ranch called N*ggerhead that they enjoyed for years.


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