Wall? What Wall?

January 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I guess you heard yesterday that Trump is asking Congress to pay for The Wall.

My friend Harold Cook has it figured out.


Simple mistake to make.

Okay, so then this morning, to prove he wasn’t doing an about-face on The Wall, Trump tweets that we will pay for The Wall and Mexico will reimburse us. That’s a plan, but I haven’t seen the IOU yet.

Where is the damn IOU?  Is it with the birth certificate?


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0 Comments to “Wall? What Wall?”

  1. My fear is that it will keep out those who want in and it will keep US tax payers in. Walls were already tried in other countries recently in our collective history. We all know how that ended.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Drump is also whining about portions of Obama’s hack report being released before Drumpf gats a briefing and puts out his own tweets about who is responsible. Drumpf can get a briefing anytime he wants one. He just chooses to remain ignorant so he can rant.

    Leaks during the Benghazi hearings never bothered Drumpf any. Or wingnut leakers for that matter.

  3. shortpeople says:

    Todos nosotros somos Mexicanos.

  4. Yeah, hope the construction companies aren’t stupid enough to work for Trump. Actually, its the subcontractors who better watch out (how ironic would that be if they hire “illegal” mexicans to do the dirty work). Trump and this corrupt Republican congress will give money to their buddies in construction who will pocket it and not pay their subcontractors: “see you in court, losers”. Billions of taxpayer dollars will make a few rich people richer.

  5. Also, do none of the idiots that voted for these republican douchebags care that there’s money to build the wall but there’s no money for the Affordable Care Act.

  6. I can’t figure out why Trump doesn’t just build the wall himself. He’ll lose money on it, and then can avoid paying taxes for another decade or two.

  7. Quelle surprise.

  8. Trump is full of crap. His disciples haven’t figured it out yet.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Forget the cost of the wall and who will pay. Let’s talk effectiveness and environmental impact. Hundreds of miles of heative reactive concrete along the Rio Grande need only be compared to the Hoover Dam project. As for effective, we should look to the air and the two oceans as to the effectiveness of a wall. As for the current majority of undocumented immigrants, check out the visa programs.

    The snacilbupeR love to defame honest families who arrive by whatever means to become hard working Americans. Yet, they are not in the least concerned by whoever in Congress wrote special means for Rupert Murdoch to jump the line to become a disruptive corporate citizen.

    #MelaniaWhereAreYourDocuments Donnie promised those August 9, 2016. April 27, 2011 Donnie promised his tax documents. We’re still waiting, Donnie.

  10. The IOU is filed next to his tax returns.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Higher sales taxes on taco trucks. See, there’s a solution as dumb as his. I can do this!

  12. JJ, you and Harold Cook are getting it wrong. The Barking Yam’s not asking Congress to pay for the wall– he’s telling US to pay for the wall.

  13. Bud you expect to much. Remember Ronald Reagan?
    He also shovel an excessive amount of masculine bovine fecal matter upon the American people. His supporters to this day still wish to canonize him.
    I’m sure that when we stand in the ashes of Trumps reign. The revisionist will crawl out from under the ruble and tell us how great Putin’s pawn was.

  14. One can only hope that the fiscally conservative Rethugs join with the Democratic progressives to shout a nice loud “NO!” when the bill to build The Wall comes up for a vote. By the way, Trump is being sued by contractors from his latest DC hotel for being stiffed $5 million. Why does anybody work for him, given his track record?

  15. When I was a kid we used to repeat what Wimpy said, “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

    Now it is, “Mexico will gladly pay you Tuesday for a wall today.”

    No, I don’t think so.

  16. Susan Crites says:

    I chortled at this today on Twitter:

    User Actions

    Vicente Fox QuesadaVerified account
    TRUMP, when will you understand that I am not paying for that fucken wall. Be clear with US tax payers. They will pay for it.

  17. I was both disappointed and astonished that six years of Repub control of the White House/Senate/House under the Bush mis-administration somehow didn’t come back to bit the Repubs in the butt.

    Maybe Trump will be the straw that broke the elephant’s back.

  18. I just added Harold Cook to those in follow on Twitter. That’s a hilarious tweet.

  19. Harold and all, CJ twirls more and faster than a 5 cent top bought at a yard sale! Now, remember, when he passes out and falls down, let sleeping CJ’s lie!

  20. Tilphousia says:

    Want a taxpayer revolt? Just tell them that they will pay for the wall. And oh yes you’ll be reimbursed. ROFLMAO
