Walk a Mile in My Flip Flops, Sir

April 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want y’all to meet Will Infantine, a Republican fella in New Hampshire who somehow got himself elected to the State House.

10168044_571200606311333_4411823557719915358_nHe’s got some mighty odd thinking in his head.  He says that women make less than men because we’re lazier and take fewer risks.

So I guess that macho race car drivers who also run marathons are the best paid jobs in America because they stinkin’ earn it.

“Men by and large make more because of some of the things they do. Their jobs are, by and large, more riskier,” Infantine, a former chairman of the Manchester Republican Committee, said on Wednesday, as captured by progressive advocacy group Granite State Progress. “They don’t mind working nights and weekends. They don’t mind working overtime, or outdoors in the elements.”

Boy, his wife has him trained, doesn’t she?

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Walk a Mile in My Flip Flops, Sir”

  1. maryelle says:

    “More riskier”. His high school English teacher must be proud.
    What planet is this guy from? Women do all the jobs men do with overtime, evenings, weekends, risk and outdoors AND THEN they cook, clean, care for children and elderly parents and generally TAKE UP THE SLACK
    left by lazy men.
    His wife needs to give him a swift kick upside the head.

  2. Tell that to the nurses that have been working nights and weekends and holidays since forever.
    What a stupid man.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    First Bundy, now this idiot. Stupid white males are making life difficult for the rest of us white males. Am developing an appreciation for how blonds might feel about all the jokes.

    How stupid are white males? The blonds are telling jokes about us.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    In his next speech, Mr. Infantine will explain his theory about why women should be banned from working nights, weekends, and holidays – or holding risky jobs. He may also want to explain why women who do work risky jobs, or work nights, weekends, and holidays – are still paid only 77% of what men earn.

    Mr. Infantine (I’ll resist the temptation to use the word “infantile”) may also want to explain why “risky” jobs are not paid particularly well, at least by Wall Street standards.

    Another instance of the Dunning-Kruger effect (stupid people aren’t smart enough to realize their own incompetence)

  5. Bundy and Infantine ought to get together and form the Racist/Misogynist Party. Oh wait, there already is a RMP…it’s called the GOP. Nevermind!

  6. I can suggest one way Mr. Infantine could make his job less risky. Don’t say stupid —- when speaking in public. Or in private, as your wife by and large will appreciate that.

  7. Thanks maryelle, you beat me to it and said it better than I would have anyway. Not to get preachy here, but my mother, my two best friends, and my sister-in-law are all nurses, and two of my nieces are MDs. They tell me that they work long hours, weekends and holidays, and are (zounds!) often at risk. Did I mention that all of them are women, or was that just understood?

    What a typical GOP horse’s patootie!

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Interesting discussion topic. You want a less boring supper, bring that one up at the table. Or eat first.

  9. Are we sure that this person is not one of Greg Abbott’s spokespersons? These comments are no different than the comments of the two female Abbott apologists who defended Greg on the equal pay issues

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Good point, Kyle. Many of us thought the GOP had reached the point of self-destruction, when they released Palin out of the bottle of stupid.

    Apparently the IRS has not figured out a way to tax Shellie Addison and the Koch brothers.

    Post Bundy/NV fiasco, while we wait for DOJ and the IRS to take down the scum, the scum have handed the Democratic Party a Jon Stewart and Stephan Colbert comedy banquet of potential campaign ads to get out the vote.

    Go Blue Texas, NV needs your lead!

    2014, BLUE for liberals, blue balls for the GOP.

  11. Oh, wow shucks! Another wackadoodle that believes rain makes applesauce. Just no hope of rehab for him. He’s gotta go big time right into the very safe padded room.

  12. Any woman married to a guy like this is entitled to encourage him to work nights and weekends and overtime and outdoors.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    LynnN, he works in the NH Legislature. Maybe they’ve figured out how to have outdoor meetings nights and weekends and overtime. Not a bad idea. Just hand out umbrellas in caSe of passing showers.

  14. Ridiculous scum. I don’t care how much money the Kochs spend, how much ridiculous legislation ALEC hands to their lackeys in Congress and governors’ mansions — corporations cannot vote.

    Make sure everyone you know is registered. If you live in a voter-suppression state that demands photo ID, help your friends/neighbors/family members get it (this may require a small loan or gift, a ride to the DMV, etc.). Remind everyone you know that voting is not something that takes place every four years. There are primaries and generals EVERY year, and it’s our duty as citizens to participate. Spread the word!

  15. Gary Halter says:

    The New Hampshire lower house has 400 members. They don’t have offices. They have seats in the chamber. They have no personal staff. They are elected from very small districts and many are multi member districts–more than one member elected in a district. Given this, it is not a surprise that strange people are elected. This even happens in the Texas house and each seat represents over 100,000 people. It is just easier for strange people to get elected in New Hampshire.
