Wait, Wait!

May 03, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yesterday, Paul Ryan, who was in Beverly Hills, California, at the annual Milken Institute Global Conference, warned of some real dire stuff.

Should Republicans lose control of either the House or Senate, “you’ll have gridlock, you’ll have subpoenas,” with the whole legislative system “shutting down,” Ryan said.

Mr. Ryan, please allow me to introduce you to Devin Nunes.

Second, isn’t that exactly what Trump campaigned on.  I mean, hell cowboy, that was the one campaign promise he kept.

Third, that doesn’t seem to be a such a bad idea considering Trump continues to select our judicial system with all the intelligence and selectivity that he used for every damn cabinet member.

Fourth, oh hell, there’s about twenty reasons but I’ve gotta stop what I’m doing just like everybody else in DeeCee to see what the hell Trump’s tweeting about now.


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