Wait Just a Damn Minute!

June 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Republicans are all upset that President Obama did not wait 30 days to notify congress and get all the proper paperwork signed before winning the release of an American soldier in captivity.

There is grumbling and talk of impeachment and all manner of condemnation.

Hey, unless those same Republicans can show me certified dead solid evidence that they were all outraged over Ronald Reagan trading damn arms for hostages, they can kiss my big blue butt.

Welcome home, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.  I can assure you that if President Obama had sought a 30 days notice to Congress, they would have given your patootie to the Taliban just to embarrass the President.

The President’s notice to Congressional Republicans ought to be, “Hey, dudes, send him back if that’s what you want to do.  But, you gotta come get him.  He’ll be standing 20 yards behind my whole damn army.”


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0 Comments to “Wait Just a Damn Minute!”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    I can’t wait for the Republicans to try that one – Democrats can repackage their statements in ads with the theme of “How Republicans Really Support the Troops.” Cuts of Republicans voting to cut Veterans Administration funding can be added for seasoning.

    I expect then folks flying American flags from their front porches would start thinking about why they reflexively vote for Republicans. Once the Republican base starts thinking rather than reacting, the Republicans will have a real problem winning elections.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Once again the neocons display their lack of support for the US military, their ability to ‘forget’ Iran-contra, and their just plain obstructionist mean in all things President Obama and the Obama family.

    It’s your turn, Grumpy McCain. We double dog dare you to explain to Congress that we do everything in our power to bring home the troops. While you’re at it, how about pushing for some veterans legislation?

  3. m in el paso says:

    JJ, the day President Obama makes you his official press secretary his approval rating will go up 20 points for sure. And the whole nation will hang breathlessly on your every word. Go get ’em!

  4. I hear there is an opening, JJ!

  5. The neocons support military profits. That is not the same as supporting the military.

  6. maryelle says:

    Love how the Repubs wail about how weak and indecisive our President is and then he goes and gets it done, saving that boy from
    further torture and possible death. Now they wail, laughably, because he didn’t wait for those clowns to make up their minds if they would support him. We all know the answer to that. Have to believe Obama would love to flick them off. I sure would. Sorry, Mama.

  7. Every Democrat running for office or not,
    should be “armed” with this information.


    On the recently released prisoner. I’m in a “wait and see” mode. Like waiting for more information.

    Let the guy chill for a few days. And, go from there.

  8. Not too much you can say for a party that loves them some guns and war—but don’t like the people who have to fight in them.

  9. Thank you Miemaw for that link. Who woulda thunk it, yep!

  10. Obama got Bergdahl released, and it makes Obama look good. That is the reason, the only reason, why the Publicans are [urinating] on the whole idea. Once again they demonstrate that they don’t give a [rat’s behind] about Americans’ welfare– rich ones excepted– as long as they can try to make Obama look bad. They just can’t forgive him for getting elected, especially twice.

    Best wishes to Bowe Bergdahl for a peaceful transition back home.

  11. buskyandme says:

    A Republican sent him there, Obama brought him home!

  12. Zyxomma says:

    Just wait till they say he’s Sgt. Brody from Homeland.

  13. This will be a double post – but dang cruz couldnt keep his mouth shut


  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    In an appearance on the same program, National Security Adviser Susan Rice defended the negotiation and release.

    “This is a very special situation,” Rice said. “Sergeant Bergdahl wasn’t simply a hostage, he was an American prisoner of war, captured on the battlefield. We have a sacred obligation that we have upheld since the founding of our Republic to do our utmost to bring back our men and women who were taken in battle. And we did that in this instance.” (from Sharon’s link, comment #13)

    Bet Cruz wouldn’t have the intestinal fortitude to say that nonsense in front of Sergeant Bergdahl’s parents. His platoon mates need to visit little Teddy to explain military life to the miserable weasel.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The shame the war criminals Dubya and chicken hawk Cheney brought on our country will require decades to repair. Their treatment of enemy combatants was a disgrace.

    Had we treated the prisoners at GITMO in the same manner as were German prisoners of war treated in accordance with The Uniform Code of Military Justice, we could have made friends, not enemies.

    I have many anecdotes of Germans who befriended me simply because I was an American. Back when decency was a national standard, we made friends of those who were held in our prison camps and those were the folks eager to talk to an American. A good friend’s grandfather was commandant of one of the camps in Kansas, when the policy was treat adversaries humanely and send an ‘ambassador’ home when the war ended. (WWII)

    If the GOP wanted to talk those good old days, I’d be all ears. Unfortunately ‘better’ times to the Tea Thugs would mean rolling back human decency to pre Civil War standards.

    Welcome home, Sergeant Bergdahl. Thank you for your service! And, please accept my sincere and humble apologies for not taking better care of your country in your absence. When you have had time to catch up with family and friends, you’ll learn of the invasion of stupid led by Snowflake Snooki and some seriously crazed old coots without a clue, aka the Tea Party. Make your Mom proud and enjoy the meals she has been waiting too long to feed you. Again, welcome home, Sergeant!

  16. If Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was the son of any of the people complaining about his release, you can be sure they would have spent the last 5 years with a dog eared thesaurus finding new ways to complain about Obama not getting their child back quickly enough.

    Let’s see, today… how about… ‘dithering’… yes!

    Bowe was one of the troops. He’s coming home. Too bad some fools don’t want to welcome him back.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick, quite honestly I am at a loss for words regarding the behavior of insignificant Ted this time. One of our own is coming home. What is not to celebrate?

    Oh yeah, silly me, that blah guy did it. The fundie right is incapable of recognizing the accomplishments of President Obama.

    What does the GOP have? Again, yawn, President Obama didn’t fix Dubya’s economy fast enough. Easy for them to say, when they forget eight years of Dubya and Darth.

    To their “Benghazi” I say Trickle Down. To my way of thinking, the two Dubya wars combined with the Reagan pee on our UCMJ and economy is a mess that R$money had no clue about fixing.

    New Rule, any Tea Bag or RINO wanting into 2014 needs to own Bush/Cheney. Hint Democratic Party, President Obama may not be perfect, but run on his accomplishments and flat out drub the thugs on their ‘do nothing.’

  18. Marge Wood says:


  19. 1.Like I have previously said, if those jackasses were lost in the desert and when finally given water they would complain it wasn’t wet enough!
    2. Why in hell would these jackasses snark at a man who has the 82nd Airborn working for him?

  20. President Obama did go to congress three years ago when he was trying to get this soldier released but congress shot him down. Why would he go to them again?

  21. So the Republicans are threatening impeachment. And over the issue of how the President brought a captured U.S. soldier home. And in an election year.

    Go to it, guys. Impeach away.

  22. Just one more damned if you do….. damned if you don’t situations that President Obama has had to clean up.

    He didn’t start the war in Afghanistan.

    How loud do you think the neo-cons would scream, holler and yell,……. if this young Marine had come home in a body bag, after being held by the Taliban for five years?


  23. e platypus onion says:

    Rumour has it Obama handed the Sarge to the Taliban on his way to destabilize Benghazi so people could be killed and wingnuts could flip their wigs. Just a rumour……

  24. Have they forgotten that their big friends in Israel are always doing prisoner swaps.

    Obama is just trying to clean up the mess that republicans made before he leaves office – get Bin Laden – done, end two wars – done – stop the country from falling off a cliff in the biggest recession we have known – done, also get a health care program
    for everyone -done. He has been fought all the way, but has been stronger and smarter than them.

  25. Fred Farklestone says:

    Top 15 ways Republicans have screwed or soldiers and veterans!

