Wait for It

December 29, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

South Carolina Republican State House member Chris Corley is a staunch defender of the confederate flag.  In fact, when his fellow Republicans refused to act when the flag was removed from the statehouse grounds in 2015, he acted.

He also sent a Christmas card with the Confederate flag on it to Republican lawmakers in 2015 after the flag came down suggesting they “ask for forgiveness of all your sins such as betrayal,” calling it a joke in his smart-aleck style. Democrats got a card with a photo of his children.

Corley’s holiday card started with: “May your Christmas be filled with memories of a happier time when South Carolina’s leaders possessed morals, convictions and the principles to stand for what is right.”

Yeah, those were happier times – when people had morals, conviction, and principles.  Maybe a little light on the morals part, but heavy on the convictions.

A South Carolina House member who rebuked his colleagues in a Christmas card for lacking morals when they took down the Confederate flag is accused of beating his wife and pointing a gun at her, deputies said.

Officers in Aiken County charged Rep. Chris Corley with a pair of felonies that could send him to prison for up to 15 years after he attacked his wife during an argument over infidelity late Monday night at their home in Graniteville, according to a police report.

Congratulations, Johnny Reb, you just won a position in the Trump administration as Secretary of Domestic Tranquility.

There was no mention of him grabbing her by the … you know.


He’s been released on $20,000 bond and can’t posses a gun until the case works its way through the courts.

I don’t mean anything ugly by this, but please notice that his hands are smaller than even Trump’s.


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