Wait. Can He Even Vote?

July 30, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

All of this hand-wringing over how many votes that TFG can get in swing states (where all American elections are truly decided) begs the question: Is Captain Shitzenpantz going to be able to vote for anyone?

He is, after all, a convicted felon.

After perusing this decision tree for Florida elections, it is clear that The One who depends on Depends cannot vote at all.

(click to make bigly)

See? It’s cut and dried, right?

If you believe that I have a golf club in New Jersey with no liquor license to sell to you.

You see, New Jersey can’t strip TFG of his liquor licenses permanently until he is sentenced in New York.

Likewise in Florida.

From The Brennan Center: “Since he was convicted in a New York state court, his eligibility to vote in Florida is governed by New York’s law, which allows everyone who’s not currently serving a sentence in prison to vote.

So yes. TFG will be able to vote in Florida this November if he is not spending all of his time in Rikers. And, based on the past performance of our judicial system, the safe bet is that he will not be.

Now go and tell that to the 1 million convicted (non-voting) felons in Florida. I bet they’ll be thrilled.

0 Comments to “Wait. Can He Even Vote?”

  1. No wonder Republicans love states’ rights. It’s not just for slavery any more.

  2. From The Brennan Center: “Since he was convicted in a New York state court, his eligibility to vote in Florida is governed by New York’s law, which allows everyone who’s not currently serving a sentence in prison to vote.“

    Now go and tell that to the 1 million convicted (non-voting) felons in Florida. I bet they’ll be thrilled.

    Sure seems like those million felons in Florida should have committed their crimes in New York, where they would receive more lax treatment and be allowed to vote now.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    We can always hope he’ll be sentenced in the case of fraud for claiming the expense of paying off a porn star. He’s already been convicted but of course the greasy Don will walk away until after the election. Only hope is to kick his orange ass and settle all these cases in 2025.

  4. Steve @ 3: You’re right, we need to kick his ass into 2025. Maybe then he’ll receive the comeuppance he so richly deserves. We might even get lucky and he’ll face trial on several of his other indictments, that is, if Uncle Thomas and his partners in crime let it happen.

    And therein lies the problem. He knows that and will bend heaven, earth, and everything in between to make sure that doesn’t happen. No matter how the election turns out, he won’t accept a loss.

    The NSGOP will play every underhanded trick we’ve already seen them play, and I’m sure they have a battalion of lawyers hard at work thinking up new tricks. It won’t surprise me to hear of men with guns at Democratic-leaning polling places, and I’d bet on hearing about shootings at some of them.

    Desperation is the mother of invention.
