Wait a Minute, Wait Minute, You Go To Work At a Place That Exploits Women and Then You’re Shocked Because You and Your Ta-Tas Got Exploited?

July 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Gretchen Carlson is saying that Roger Ailes and Fox News wanted s-e-x.  With her.

Yeah, Roger Ailes wanted to have sex, Steve Doocy is douchey, and the whole place is weird for women.  None of that seems to have bothered her until she got fired.

Have you ever watched Fox News, Gretchen?  And you didn’t see this coming?


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0 Comments to “Wait a Minute, Wait Minute, You Go To Work At a Place That Exploits Women and Then You’re Shocked Because You and Your Ta-Tas Got Exploited?”

  1. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Gretchen, who worked for the network that despises political correctness…expected that she to be treated politically correct?

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Yeah, well .. LOL … she is blonde and she DID work at Fox!

    I know our JJ is a blonde, but she does NOT work for nor did she ever work AT Fox. Some blondes are definitely smarter then other ones are!

  3. Any woman who signs a contract to go to work for Faux News suffers from one (or more) of several delusions:

    1. Faux News is an ordinary place to work.
    2. Womens’ rights and dignity will be respected by Roger Ailes and his minions, the same as they would be in any other workplace.
    3. The rights and dignity of women generally are respected and promoted by the conservatism that is being advocated by Faux News.
    4. The reputation and marketability in television news of talent appearing on Faux air will be enhanced by their presence on that channel.
    5. Faux News is “fair and balanced” – because it says it is.

  4. slipstream says:

    What? Miss America 1989 figured out that Fox News is sexist?

    Maybe next week she will figure out that the Earth is round.

  5. Gretchen, didn’t you read the fine print on the contract?

  6. Cinda Caiella says:

    Lost her job in Richmond, VA for having affair with married co-worker, Muss America family values

  7. 1toughlady says:

    When you work for douche bags, they act like douche bags.

  8. Gretchen, they had to make room for that new guy who used to work for Trump until he fired him. Simple, eh?

  9. Pollytiques says:

    I have been sniggering ever since I read that. All these years she’s been willing to say or do anything for money and NOW she gets picky..What a hoot.

  10. @Marcia in CO
    As a lifelong blond (until it all turned gray) and a Ph.D. it’s my contention that the dumb blonde are the ones that bleach their hair. Natural blondes are really smart!
    All those bleach fumes seep into the brain, bleaching the intelligence cells.

  11. Gretchen was a Rhodes Scholar, so no half-wit. My theory is that she assumed Fox News employees were well paid to pull the wool over viewers eyes, and her co-workers were in on the deception.

    She assumed wrong. Her co-workers thought it was real, and acted that way.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Gretchen and other “eye candy” are the sole reason that Fake Noise pulls in the younger male viewers. You Tube is chock full of “wardrobe mishaps” on Fake Noise. Some are so utterly egregious they can’t be accidental. I have no idea how Fakes landed Kiran Chetry or Paula Zahn- two extremely classy journalists.

  13. Lunargent says:

    Ya gotta hand it to Fox for one progressive thing, though; their dumbest blonde by far – Stevie – is a dude.

    Any day he’s on TV, there’s only a 50% chance that Louis Gohmert will be the dumbest thing seen on two legs.

  14. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    News is reporting that 10 more women have contacted Carlson’s attorney after the case went public today. Jabba Aisles has responded by claiming Gretchen got dumped by FOX because her ratings were crappy so is just being bitchy about it all.

  15. Old Fart says:

    So when white men claim that they are being discriminated against, is this what they mean?

    You know, not getting to hit on the (married) hot chicks, and/or to act like condescending douchebags to their coworkers?

    Or is it just that they reserve the right to pay women less for the same job?

    Grow the F*** up and keep your hands and your attitudes to yourselves, and the world will start to seem like a less hostile place!

  16. eyesoars says:

    Seems to me that both Fox News and the GOP are all about RHIP and privilege: corporate, class, race, and gender. Not necessarily in that order.

    Good on ya, Gretchen, for the lawsuit. The filings should keep the world amused at the crass classlessness of Fox News for years. It’s the U.S.’s turn to see the inner crassness of Murdoch’s empires in the tabloids.

  17. Of course she’s a hypocrite, but I wish her luck with her lawsuit.

    The plaintiff of my enemy is my friend. Well, I can sort of tolerate her for a while anyway.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    Then again, have you seen a pic of Roger Ailes? If that creature put the moves on me it would definitely be projectile vomit time!! Ewwww….

  19. Teh Gerg says:

    Of course, we now have to wonder about the women who still work at Fox News, especially the ones who have their own shows. And maybe the guys, too . . .

  20. maryelle says:

    I’d love to see Ailes go down in flames, but if Carlson settles for big bucks, we’ll know what this was all about.

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    Back a year or so ago, a report circulated that Rupert Murdoch’s children would push Ailes aside once they took over management. This scandal may provide them the excuse and leverage necessary to do the job.
    By the way, I love the picture of Ailes that some of the other news sources are displaying. Ailes and I are both 76, but compared to him, I look great. But then look at Trump, and he is only 70. Maybe it’s just the right time to be an UWOF.* Sorry ladies, but I’m already taken.
    *Ugly, white, old fart

  22. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @ Scott Bidstrup#3- Fuchs noise is about as far from fair as you can get, however, I’ll submit they are balanced. They walk a real fine line between the right and the fringe far extreme right. though they occasionally lapse over into the far right usually led by Blowhard Billowlielly. I find their so-called “business” side is more extreme than their so-called “news” side.

  23. Doocy was on local TV here for a very short time years ago. It was obvious that he really hated local TV and fancied himself a big shot network guy. His ‘tude was so bad viewers wanted to smack him up side the head. Unfortunately, he still pretty much has that ‘tide and now I hear he’s got a little brother invading the air waves. Little brother seems to have been “homed” better by mama. He may be just about tolerable.

  24. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh Maggie! You remember the Doosh, too! Yessiree!
    Local channel 4, I believe, in DeeCee. Did all the cutesy, local stuff. A butthead-in-training then and a full butthead now. Way to go, Fox!

  25. My only problem with this is that when we get into the “you should have known better” line of thinking it becomes increasingly like the “she was asking for it” thinking. No one deserves to be treated that way no matter who they work for or what they do.

  26. The lovely Ms. Carlson is from Minnesota and she wrote a guest commentary in today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune. She said she studied at Oxford but I don’t think she was a Rhodes Scholar. She would have directly stated it if that were the case.

    Basically the past Miss America said the same things you’ve heard about how badly she was mistreated. As others have said, Coyote News (coyotes are sneaky and masters of deceit) deserves every bit of everything bad they get. And no woman, or male either, deserves to be harassed. In fact, no Black Lives deserve to be harassed, or murdered, either.

  27. Tilphousia says:

    Hey, Maggie, I do remember el doochy on local news. And a stupid little creep he was. Now just an older stupid creep. But just as boring as ever. Guess the idiots never do just go away. Sigh
