Wait a Minute. Wait a Minute. Wait Just a Damn Minute.
So now the White House is saying that they will not fund programs that “failed to meet their objectives.”
So they want to defund Meals on Wheels but let cabinet secretaries buy $30,000 tables, let Scott Pruitt live large and Ryan Zinke flit around the country with charter airplanes and charge the taxpayers.
Here’s a video of Jim Acosta eating White House budget director Mick Mulvaney for lunch.
Holy damn crap. The Trump budget also cuts Head Start, home energy aid and rental assistance. Which would likely hurt the single mother with two children in Detroit who he claims he’s trying to help.
You’ll notice that Trump’s budget does not cut taxes of single mothers with two children in Detroit. Trump simply wants to defund Means on Wheels and give the money to the Pentagon. If you want to talk about a “program that does not meet their objectives,” the Pentagon would be a damn dandy place to start.
Nice going Acosta. Hold their feet to the fire.
Thanks to Donna for the heads up.