Wait a Minute, Babe.

June 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So yesterday First Lady Michelle Obama was at a private home fundraiser in Washington, DC.  A female heckler interrupted her about 12 minutes into her 20 minute speech.

Ms. Obama confronted the heckler, leaving the podium and walking to her in the crowd.

” ‘One of the things that I don’t do well is this,’ replied [Obama] to loud applause. She left the lectern and moved over to the protester, saying they could ‘listen to me or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.’

They chose Ms. Obama.

I am a strong support of gay rights, but to heckle the President’s wife is just a tad of what we nicely refer to as freekin’ damn rude.

Here’s the catcher.

The heckler, later identified as Ellen Sturtz from the campaign that advocates for lesbians and gays, told the Post that the first lady “came right down in my face. … I was taken aback.”

So you think the First Lady of the United States of Damn America should politely let you interrupt her speech that other people donated money to come hear?  Babe, you are way out of your league.

Ms. Sturtz, there is a difference between guts and gall.  Both were exhibited that day.  Ms. Obama has guts.

Thanks to Pam for the heads up.

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