Wagon Train

July 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of the things that was laughably apparent at the gathering at the Texas Capitol was not that we outnumbered the anti-choicers by leaps and bounds, but also that they were all so damn old that they shouldn’t buy green bananas.  Hell, half of them owe Noah a dollar for the boat ride.

They want to fix that.

They’re bringing a bus from … get ready for this … Washington, DeeCee – the most hated of conservative places.  They are bringing a busload of students from outside of Texas to come and call me a murderer.  You know how Republicans are always screaming that this is a states right?  Well, maybe not so much in this case.

Seating is limited and will be on a first come, first served basis, so please let us know right now if you can meet us in Washington, DC this Sunday, July 7th, to join the Students for Life team on the 24 hour road trip to Austin!

And if you can’t meet us in DC on the 7th, we will be passing through the following cities where we can pick you up as well: Roanoke (VA), Knoxville, Nashville, Memphis, and Little Rock.

They are planning on staying for a week.  Honey, you leave a college student for a week in Austin and they will be going back home with a Hillary ’16 tee-shirt and a baggie with a controlled substance.

If you want to go help turn these kids away from the evil destructive forces of theocracy,  here’s how it’s happening.

Thanks to Kathleen and Tom for the heads up.

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