Vote Today in Texas!

February 16, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Juanita wishes to announce that The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., will be closed at lunchtime today for … well, lunch.  And early voting.

Juanita always votes on the first day of early voting because, “if you get hit by a truck tomorrow, your vote still counts!”

Our Democratic County Chairman here ain’t real bright.  In fact, some people flick her switch a couple times a day just to see if she’s on.  So, she agreed to a combined primary.  That means we have to walk in the same room as the Republicans and use the same voting machines.  Verdelia is carrying an 11 foot pole to vote because she won’t touch a Republican with a 10 foot one.  Juanita is wearing her platform knee-high boots, hoping to weave around all the snakes.  Wish them luck.

We’ll have pictures later today.

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