Vigilanteism Now the Law of the Land

March 12, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Fascism

Yesterday, the Texas Supreme Court cemented in vigilante law by affirming that SB8, which our radical rightwing government rammed through during the last legislative session and permits anyone to sue any person they accuse of getting, giving, or assisting in any abortion anywhere in Texas.  The law exposes ALL Texans to vigilante action with zero protection of the personal rights of anyone deemed to be involved in a medical procedure that is constitutionally protected.

The notion that his law passes any legal test is outrageous on the face, yet the radicalism that has taken over the courts has driven them to look the other way while lawlessness of a tiny group of partisans wreak havoc to everyone else’s lives.  The Supreme Court and the Texas Supreme Court now say that they have no role in protecting the individual rights of Americans including privacy, equal protection, or voting.

I say, OK, let’s play.  If vigilanteism is now the rule of law in Texas, let’s go after:

  1. Fox News, OANN, and Newmax – allow anyone to sue anyone else they accuse of watching those channels.
  2. Carrying firearms – allow anyone to sue anyone else they accuse of carrying a firearm.
  3. Loud  Pickup Trucks – anyone can now sue others who they believe are driving a truck that’s too loud.
  4. Voting – let’s sue anyone who can’t prove they voted in all elections.
  5. Donuts – let’s sue people who eat donuts because it’s not healthy.
  6. Churches – let’s sue people who darken the doors of churches we don’t like.  Plaintiff’s choice as to which church they don’t like.
  7. Snow shovel brims on cowboy hats and goofy square-toed boots – let’s sue anyone wearing those because they’re morons.
  8. Flags on pickups – $10,000 per flag, $50,000 if the word “Trump” appears on any flag.
  9. Toby Keith songs – because I’m sick of them
  10. Dancing with the Stars – $10,000 per episode because you’re an idiot to watch and it causes brain damage.
  11. Any piece of clothing that has a MAGA logo – because…you know why.

You get the point.  The courts are now nothing more than observers to single party rule and fascist laws that permit spying on fellow citizens and accusing them of whatever the plaintiffs don’t like.  Let’s turn it around on them.

Texas is lost.

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