Very Interesting Local Stuff
If you’re the majority party in a county, you pretty much have run of the place. And if the District Attorney is a member of your party and he’s (1) a wimp, (2) so untrustworthy that even the grand jury doesn’t trust him, and (3) bought and paid for by the Republican good ole boys, then you have run of the place with a gold pass.
That’s pretty much the situation here.
Here’s an email that went out on a county account to Republican elected officials’ county account. It’s about raising money for the local Republican Party to have a Christmas Party.
Click the little one to get the big one.
Just when you think that enough laws have been violated, Bernice is apparently conducting Republican Party business from, ironically, her desk at the Jail Information switchboard. But that’s okay because her boss is a Republican.
Now let’s talk about the laws that have been violated with this email.
We can start with this one:
Election Code Sec. 255.0031. UNLAWFUL USE OF INTERNAL MAIL SYSTEM FOR POLITICAL ADVERTISING. (a) An officer or employee of a state agency or political subdivision may not knowingly use or authorize the use of an internal mail system for the distribution of political advertising.
(c) A person who violates this section commits an offense. An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
And we may even have this one:
Penal code Sec. 39.02. ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY. (a) A public servant commits an offense if, with intent to obtain a benefit… he intentionally or knowingly:
(2) misuses government property, services, personnel, or any other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant’s custody or possession by virtue of the public servant’s office or employment.
Now, I’m going to stop here and remind you that our District Attorney John Healey would not even prosecute a Republican candidate for clear and obvious voter fraud, even when the damn fool admitted to it.
But let’s put all the law breaking aside. Let’s even ignore the political privilege of using taxpayer’s money to raise political money.
What the hell? I want to talk about the level of honest in the Republican Party’s outreach program when they have their Christmas Party at the damn Redneck Country Club. This is a joint that had confederate flags on their website until someone pointed out that maybe, just maybe, that might be considered racist.
The Redneck Country Club is the brainchild of Michael Berry, the rightwing homophobic radio host who got himself caught at a well-known gay club on drag queen night.
Interestingly, his wife is the Texas Secretary of State – the person in charge of elections.
So you’ve got all that incest going to add to guns and booze at the Redneck Country Club.
Nobody will get in trouble about any of this and better yet, nobody will ever admit that anything wrong at all was done.