Using Sweet Jesus As Your Own Personal Weapon

August 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sweet Jesus is the major endorser for any public office in Texas and since he tends to phone it in, it’s up to voters to believe which candidate is telling the truth about Jesus’ endorsement.

In the race for Texas Attorney General, three Republicans claim the coveted Jesus Endorsement.

Three Republicans vying to become Texas’ next attorney general say an anti-discrimination measure proposed in San Antonio would discriminate against “people of faith” by suppressing their views about gay people.

The candidates — state Sen. Ken Paxton of McKinney, state Rep. Dan Branch of Dallas, and Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman — have expressed opposition in recent weeks to the proposed updates to a San Antonio ordinance through letters to city officials, online petitions and media interviews.

The measure would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the kinds of discrimination forbidden by the city code. Provisions to protect veterans also are included but will face a separate council vote.

Being nice to all God’s children has already become the law in five of the Texas’ largest cities.  The Republicans argue that being a “person of faith” gives you the right to discriminate and torment people that you don’t like even if they are also persons of faith.  It seems to me there’s not much faith involved here.

It’s about Freedom of Speech.

“It attempts to stop my freedom of speech by suppressing my point of view,” said Smitherman, 55. “You may disagree with my point of view, you may think I’m an idiot or a redneck for that point of view, but it’s not speech that incites riot and it’s not speech that is intended to cause harm.”

Dude, thank you for affirming my idiot redneck thought.

Smitherman is free to use slurs against anyone he wants to in the name of Sweet Jesus.  He just can’t do it in the public workplace where taxpayers are paying him to do it.  And I suspect he is, in fact, asking for a riot if he calls me any word meant to demean women.

Of course demeaning speech is meant to cause harm.  What other reason would you use it?

These Republican guys are so dense that gravity increases around them.

Maybe it would help if they could come up with a list of people we’re supposed to hate and be mean to in Jesus’ name, amen.

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0 Comments to “Using Sweet Jesus As Your Own Personal Weapon”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    I visited a church once that named names of bad guys, you know, the kind that believe in evolution. I got out of there as fast as I could.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    And re: inciting riots, exactly what does this person think hate speech does? Deliver cookie recipes?

  3. How can it be explained that in the last election, Jesus told no less than 4 candidates to run for President? Jesus has a sense of humor is setting that up for our entertainment. Oh, yeah, and they all lost.

    The KKKristains are mad because when they are told they cannot discriminate, that must mean you are discriminating against them, not letting them discriminate. It’s circular reasoning – and I have never been able to follow it well.

  4. Gravity!!! Oh, great! That means the density is so great that if they were planets it would take a generation for them to make a full rotation on axis! OK. Actually that explains a lot.

  5. I want a video posted to U-Tube when God speaks (either from mountain top or from burning bush [Texans can pick which bush they want]). These freaks keep insisting they’ve been told personally and that is contrary to common sense — so they want to claim the Almighty’s endorsement they must provide proof or shut up.

  6. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    No discriminating against the discriminators! That’s discrimination & they won’t have it!
    Marge Wood, you made me laugh. Cookie recipes indeed!

  7. If they were much more dense they would form black holes.

    The Repub House is already there. It sucks in all legislation so that it is never seen again.

  8. innerlooper says:

    Yikes there’s a new party of of educated peoples the party of M.’s . I wanna join but my moniker starts with an i. they seem very smart though.

  9. Clean house at the state house…. top to bottom

  10. I seem to remember Jesus saying something like “love thy neighbor as thyself.” These attorney general wannabes must not like themselves very much.

  11. Putting the veterans to a separate vote was pretty slick. But what happens if the veteran is gay? I seriously want to know.

  12. Nobody who claimed that Jesus told him (or her) to run has been elected President since Baby Bush tried it– maybe we should encourage the endorsement.

    Merl, I think there was a gay veteran in NH who was asked what he thought after Romney got up from the table, and he told them exactly what he thought. It wasn’t complimentary.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’. These dudes must hate themselves.

  14. The phrase “people of faith” is quite ambiguous and implies that they believe in something not specified. Since these people would feel discrimination if they were not allowed to discriminate, then their “faith” must be in Discrimination. Not sure that’s included in the Lexicon of Faiths, but I am sure it’s a violation of separation of church and state. Gimme that ole time religion!

  15. Miss Juanita Jean, if anyone calls you a demeaning name, I will rally the old folks at the Senior Center and we’ll follow you to the riot. You can take the first shot. We’ll be the next wave. You don’t know what riled up means until you’ve seen a room full of old ladies and old gentlecoots, fuming and mumbling to themselves so they don’t forget that great phrase they just thought up.

    There isn’t any reason for their insults. There isn’t any reason for them to claim the moral high ground of Sweet Jesus, because we can all see them slipping downhill. I know the truth will set you free, but the Internet will shine a light on the lies, and I thank God for that.

    As for density, I do believe that space junk tends to move towards a black hole in crazy random patterns, until it gets close to the event horizon and then it swirls like crazy in the same direction. Kind of like the way all the Republicans are gibbering the same nonsense as fast as they can, lately.

    You won’t be in that riot alone, if it happens. You just give us a call at the Center, and we’ll gather up the crowd and head on out to the riot.

    Friends, there is *nothing* like a bunch of ticked-off old ladies, and we’re getting more and more annoyed with every word out of those dumb faces. I didn’t think that was possible, but every day the news proves me wrong.
