UPDATED: US Businesses Turn on Trump

July 02, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trade War Based On Lies

Today, the US Chamber of Commerce, who actively worked to get Donald Trump elected in 2016, turned on him after he did EXACTLY what he said he was going to do – start a trade war.  So many business people, including the Chamber, hated Hillary Clinton so much that they were willing to roll the bones on Trump, and EVERYONE is losing.  His erratic behavior, shooting from the hip, and idiotic neocon economic and defense policy has turned our world on its ear.  When it started hitting Chamber members in the wallet, they woke up.

The business community’s support of Trump was idiotic, and everyone who was paying the slightest bit of attention knew that.  But since most business people watch Trump News Network, they believed his bullshit and have now followed him right over the cliff without a second thought; that is, until they hit the ground.

The result is that the stock market is now in negative territory FOR THE YEAR, manufacturers are fleeing the US for foreign shores (taking the jobs with them), debt to GDP has now exceeded our debt level at the end of WWII, the dollar is being displaced by the Renminbi for global trading, Trump has pissed off all of our trading partners and handed our export markets over to both former allies and competitors, and all this has been done while french kissing Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un to our political and economic disadvantage.

I’m personally staggered by how much damage to our country one lunatic can do.  When we finally rid ourselves of this infestation, (and have cleaned out Congress) we’ll have to develop an entire set of new statutes that will prevent this kind of tragedy from ever happening again.  More on that at a future date.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

UPDATE: The Cato Institute, founded and funded by the Koch Brothers, is now opposing Trump’s trade wars, calling them “incoherent, angry and misguided”.  Cato is well known for its libertarian approach to policy and politics, and the Kochs often use it as a blunt force weapon to attack everything from regulations to climate change.  If you’re not familiar with how global trade works, this is actually a pretty good primer; because of that, it’s a very effective argument against the irrationality of Trump’s trade policies tweets.  This article explains the idiocy and inconsistency of Trump’s America First policy where he and his moronic trade staff have fabricated policy based on the “I win, you lose” myth of trade.  No actual trade expert promotes this zero sum game.  Win-win is the only policy that leads to economic growth and stability.

Since the beginning of this dumpster fire, I’ve been amazed how Trump’s cabinet and advisors have sold their souls for their titles.  Some, like Betsy DeVos, you would expect to be incompetent.  But others, like billionaire Wilbur Ross, are shocking.  Ross is well known in business circles as a smart turn-around guy and shrewd businessman.  As Commerce Secretary, he has backed Trump’s idiocy, defending his trade war even to rejecting a market crash as enough reason to stop it.  These statements can only communicate one of two things about Ross:  Either he is a dumbass and just been lucky in business all these years, or he’s pandering to Trump for some unknown reason (which could be some legal entanglement in one of his “deals”).  I’ll take Door Number Two, Alex.

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