UPDATE: Dallas Republicans Playing Games
Remember how I told you about Dallas Republicans filing paperwork to remove 128 candidates in the Democratic primary and how completely absurd that is?
Well, our buddy Glen Maxey – who probably wrote the law and who can read writing – put the answer on Facebook.
Here ya go, straight from Glen —
Hear about that frivilous lawsuit filed by the Dallas Republicans? (See I put “frivoulous lawsuit” and “filed by Republicans” in the same sentence: Pigs do fly!) They claim the Democratic Chair didn’t sign candidate applications. Oh, my. There’s a blank right there on the form for the Chair to sign their name. Oh, but the Chair didn’t sign them, the Primary Director did. What a travesty! Oh, my! We can knock 128 Democrats off the ballot because these crazy Democrats didn’t follow the law!
HOWEVER, right next to the signature blank on the SOS prescribed application is a cite of the Texas Election Code. Sec. 1.007. And that little gem says ANY employee of an authority can accept a filing for the authority (i.e. the Chair).
As Emily Litella would say: “NEVERMIND”.
Sec. 1.007 DELIVERING, SUBMITTING, AND FILING DOCUMENTS. (a) When this code provides for the delivery, submission, or filing of an application, notice, report, or other document or paper
with an authority having administrative responsibility under this code, a delivery, submission, or filing iwith an employee of the authority at the authority’s usual place for conducting official business constitutes filing with the authority.
And for you youngsters out there, here’s Emily Litella.