
November 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen wanted you to know that Louie Gohmert got his monthly allowance from the Koch Brothers.


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He’s going to use it to buy registration armbands for Muslims.

Check to see if your congressman is listed in this reckoning.


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0 Comments to “Update”

  1. Used to be that I thought of the Koch Brothers as evil and fairly smart. With their continuing donations to Louie, I have to rethink the “fairly smart” part.

  2. For cat’s sake! These are all back benchers! No wonder they are only being fed peanuts!

  3. Thankfully, Buck for Colorado, is not my representative. The eastern front range that covers mostly rural and predominately republican areas including Ft. Collins, Greeley and Castle Rock (not that far from Colorado Springs, however.)

    I am so glad that Hickenlooper, our Gov, has not closed any doors for the refugees, although there have been the usual outcries from some here.

  4. Wild and Wonderful pac? I want me some of that!

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Our little Joe Heck received the same as Loopy Louie. Fitting, as he is equally as useless.

    With Senator Harry Reid retiring, we’re expecting the Koch brothers to come riding into Nevada. We already have Shelly Adelson polluting the skies and the politics here.

    H/T to Alfredo for all his great sleuthing!

  6. Indiana Pearl says:

    McCaul . . .

  7. He’s not only stupid but can be bought cheap.

  8. So, from this local retoric can I assume they are going to lay off the Hispanics because they are primarily Christian???

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Looks like Buck in CO is the only one out here … I figured I’d see Cory Gardner’s name in there!

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Mike: My thought, too! The Koch Minionz can be bought for so little.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Carol, Carol, Carol, you broke my sarcasm meter and made me slobber sarsaparilla all over the keyboard. But, the laugh was worth it. Thanks!

    … the Kluckers only recognize one right religion, white Kristianity. Emphasis on the operant part: white.

  12. I wonder if those slime balls are financing the new White Student Union in Illinois?

    I’m not surprised to see no Minnesotans on the list, but I’m shocked that there are no South Dakotans there. The SD elected snacilbupeR, and they’re All snacilbupeR, are a wholly owned subsidiary of the KKKoch slime balls. They’re annual pilgrimage to the Great Satan’s ALEC conference is considered a religious pilgrimage.

    Johnny [Jumpshot Jesus] Thune, Kristi [Raking in Millions of Farm Aid] NOem, Mike [Uber Corrupt EB5 Creep] Rounds and governor Dennis [Duma$$] Daugard are probably worth only pennies on the dollar even compared to Loony Louie! Now that’s an insult on a grand scale!

  13. epo, you can do better than me at fitting nicknames for the SD Sleezies. Have at, blizzard be damned!

  14. 1smartcanerican says:

    Looks like WA state politicians got shafted by the Koch political machine. That makes me very happy!

  15. Old Mayfly says:

    Does it feel like the obvious/blatant/in your face “buy that Congress-Critter” practice may finally be so over the top that regular folks/voters notice?

    Just asking.

  16. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Y’all are missing something. Who is the “Cramer for Congress” from Bismarck, North Dakota, who either threw money back at the Kochs or ticked them off enough they voided the contribution?

    Is this an honest guy refusing to be tainted, or…?

  17. Several of the payments are listed by their PAC name which does not include the candidate’s name. There is one going to Harrisburg, PA, but no individual is listed. We were able to elect Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, but the majority party is republican. They are attempting a Scott Walker-type agenda to destroy the state employees pension system and cut Medicare, so the Koch is strong in them.

  18. austinhatlady says:

    McCaul is my congress varmint, and he only got $1,000. But I seem to recall that he is the richest guy in congress. He married into it.

  19. Marsha the Lightbulb Moran Blackburn received $5,000 from her benefactors….she spends lots of time on her knees and has very few individual donors.

    If the 101st Airborne Air Assault, Ft. Campbell, Clarksville, TN, would run a veteran they could get rid of Marsha – she votes against veterans every single time and is NOT popular in Clarksville – she stays in Williamson County. The District is so gerrymandered it runs AROUND Nashville and has the military and wealthy in her District, mostly, the District is rural and poor as it triangulates towards Memphis.

  20. Hey, I’d like a little sympathy here for Gohmert. It’s hard to raise enough money to keep an office open and the secretaries paid, not to mention having to go all over his district which I’ve heard he is a good representative of, and talk to all of them and show up at cafes at 10 and 3 for coffee and go to potlucks and all that. Every little $2500 helps. Maybe I should try to get them to give us some money for the JUANITA JEAN’S FREEDOM BEAUTY SHOP PAC. I like that idea! Hmmm.

  21. WA Skeptic says:

    Sorry to see Dave Reichart’s name is on that list; I had a great deal of respect for his work with the Green River Taskforce, but I guess the “jack-boot” ethos of the Koch Bros. is just too alluring for him.

  22. is that all? geez, not only is he stupid, he comes cheap too.
