Up Yours, Supreme Court!

April 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how the United State Supreme Court made people vote in person, risking not only the lives of voters, but also of poll workers?

Well, damn.

After weeks of Democratic anger over Republicans’ insistence on holding elections in Wisconsin amid the coronavirus pandemic, a liberal challenger for the State Supreme Court, Jill Karofsky, on Monday defeated the Trump-backed conservative incumbent, Justice Daniel Kelly.

It was a long shot but she won.

Republicans are now known as the Party of Mean Jerks.

And yeah, I saw Trump’s “press conference” tonight. I generally don’t watch it but Bubba said to get my butt in there and watch this damn fool claim that he has all the power in a democracy.

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0 Comments to “Up Yours, Supreme Court!”

  1. Another bomb is in the dishonorable majority opinion of SCOTUS it implicily mandates that any vote has to be postmakered on or by election day be included.
    Some states require that mail in must be received by election day and others leave judgement on this to counties.
    This would also limit the vote by all the baby merc’s who don’t get vote in by time. Notably that is the cohort of added votes that contributed to the twits theft of florida in 2000.
    They voted for a war monger and then (as is their nature) whined when they got what they voted for.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    All the power and none of the responsibility. What a deal!

  3. Sandridge says:

    The Democrats won not only Jill Karofsky’s key State Supreme Court seat, but many other lower court and admin positions [and those of Snot Walker’s appointments].
    The Dems won these races with near landslide numbers, against every dirty trick the Rescummies threw at them. Even the usual blood-red WI counties saw large Dem voter increased percentages.
    The Robert’s SCROTUS and DiJiT went all out for Wisconsin Rethugs and got their pasty flabby asses handed back to them with a big FU bow tied around it.

    Wisconsin Dem voters overcame huge risks and odds to do this, they have earned our respect and admiration.
    Now let’s all repeat this on a massive scale, a Blue Tsunami to sweep away the Repub filth everywhere in November.

  4. Austinhatlady says:

    I’m so grateful for people, such as you & Bubba and my favorite MSNBC anchors & reporters, for watching the briefings so I don’t have to!

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    Hear, hear, Austinhatlady! I quit watching television in 2002, and rely upon the managers and clients of this salon to throw their bodies (and sanity) into the fray for me.

    Now I’ll go back to my usual pre-bedtime entertainments: tormenting my wife’s cat with a remote controlled mouse, and reading pre-2002 history. Even the Crusades with blood running down the gutters and not-quiet-civilized Germanic tribes eating Muslim babies is soothing compared to the current monkey, I mean, white house.

  6. twocrows says:

    We voters stood up in 2018. They stood up in Wisconsin. We are saying, loud and clear, “Republicans, you OWN Trump! And we won’t let you forget! Out! Out damned spot!”

  7. RepubAnon says:

    Someone should ask Trump whether the thing giving him “all the power” is the 10th Amendment.

    Would have made a great sound bite for 25th Amendment fans.

    On a related note: what happened to state’s rights? And if the Supremes try to say the Commerce Clause Control’s for health matters, how do they avoid upholding ObamaCare?

  8. thatotherjean says:

    Bubba’s right. He’s a damn fool. who wants all the power, but accepts none of the responsibility for anything he does. Fortunately, no matter what he thinks, he is not God-Emperor of the United States, and the states still have the right to decide for themselves when it’s safe for them to “re-open.” He can say whatever he wants, but he can’t make it happen.

  9. Alaska’s governor, a Republican who seems to work Trump to his advantage, when asked that question, said that he and his health team would make those decisions as to when to reopen, but the health of Alaskans were his priority. He tiptoed carefully so as not to piss off the crazy one, but those were his words on it. I could almost like him right now if he wasn’t a Republican.

  10. Old Fart says:

    Time for a HUUUUGE thank you to all the people who got out to vote! Now stay healthy, and we’ll see you on the other side.

  11. So to recap Trump’s self praise session yesterday – The guy who couldn’t care less if your live or die claims total authority over the decision that affects if you to live or die. Swell.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    All the authority and none of the responsibility said Donnie* the most corrupt moron* in the history of our nation.
