Up In Smoke

April 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You gotta love New York’s Republican State Assemblyman Steve Katz.  Well, you don’t have to, but you oughta.

Steve Katzs sit on the New York Assembly’s Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.  He voted against legalizing medical marijuana last year because, you know, sick people don’t need to be drug abusers.

Well, guess who got arrested last month with a baggie of pot?  Steve Katz.  His punishment?  His record will be wiped clean if he does 20 hours of community service.

Ring, ring.  Calling Assemblyman Katz.  Rob Portman on line 2.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Up In Smoke”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Shame on him. Wait til he gets cancer and has chemo.

  2. Seems to be a general rule of thumb with male fundamentalists & elected Republicans; the more they rant against a particular behavior or lifestyle the more likely it is to be one they practice, in secret.

    See ‘wide stance’, ‘rent boy’, ‘pray away the gay,’ Family values seems to be code for visits prostitutes etc.

  3. His record will be wiped clean? Is this the norm for anyone else caught with pot?

  4. Cheryl, no it is not. Around here you get a record and it is not wiped clean mainly so they can toss your ass in jail the next time you get caught.

  5. publius bolonius says:

    Oopsie! I read that wrong. ‘New York Reptilian State Assemblyman’. Hmmm. On second thought…

  6. Bananas:You’ve got that right!
    “Do as I say, not as I do.” The exalted ones are exempt from the limits of the common man don’tcha know. His non-sentence proves it.

  7. Cheryl Ann says:

    And will they count serving on the Assembly as “community service”? I dont think this guy will be picking up trash on the side of the road!

  8. He can’t wipe his “non-record” clean from the internet. So if/when he’s up for re-election and his opponents are smart they’ll keep bringing up his baggie along with his hypocrisy.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Maybe pot is OK for people who do NOT have cancer…..

  10. Oh hey ya’ll! maybe he got sick! {and going to get a lot sicker when NY media bites down on him}

  11. Bananas has the rule exactly right. And if they get caught, the punishment is a light tap on the wrist and the admonition, “Try not to get caught next time.”

    And, yes, elaine, I certainly think he’s sick — REALLY sick.

  12. Tex the Vietnam Vet says:

    Hypocrisy is something conservanazis will never understand. ;^)
