Unsettling Times? Claro Que Hell Yes.

March 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, who is not gay nor has he ever made whoopie with another man, had some strong statements yesterday about  those of us who believe in human rights.

Rick says we’re intolerant.  Of his religious beliefs.

Think about that and try not to get dizzy.

Perry went on to suggest that the decision by LGBT rights advocates to fight for equal treatment was proof that they were themselves intolerant.

“The underlying problem is that there is this very vocal, very litigious minority of Americans willing to legally attack anybody who dares utter a phrase or even a name that they don’t agree with,” he said. “In a twisting of logic, they insist on silencing the religious in the cause of tolerance. Now I ask you, where is the tolerance in that?”

Perry, who is not now nor has ever been gay, says that what happens in your bedroom with the door closed insults his religion.  Well, drinking alcohol insults Verdelia’s Baptist religion so all y’all have got to stop drinking it.  Even in Minnesota and Delaware and places like that  because Verdelia wants you to be tolerant of her beliefs all over the damn place.

But Rick Perry, who has never even touched or unnecessarily smelled a gay person, thinks we’re the intolerant ones for not respecting his wild and crazy religious beliefs.  Is Rick really saying that if he doesn’t have Seder, he’s intolerant of Jews?  Hell, even the Scientologists don’t whine when I say their wild and crazy beliefs are wild and crazy.

Rick Perry, who never even thinks about gay stuff, is deeply offended by your civil rights crapola.

So if you’re going to do something gay, don’t tell him.  He already knows it all.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Unsettling Times? Claro Que Hell Yes.”

  1. soooo…… I am a bigot, because I don’t like bigots?

  2. OldMayfly says:

    Thing is, The Church of Rick Perry can make any rules he wants about who can marry there. So can any other church.

    Can’t present a background check? Sorry, you can’t marry in the Church of Mayfly.

    On, the other hand, if your church is ready to marry Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones, how is it any of the government’s business?

    It’s about religious freedom, you-all.

  3. Rick Perry’s sartorial options offend me.. where is the tolerance in forcing us to witness him in his drugstore cowboy getup?

  4. maryelle says:

    The louder they bawl, the lower they fall. Come on out Ricky, the weather’s fine.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    I thought the Village People disbanded years ago.

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    What relitgion chalims his ickyness? Christian Identity? Scientology?

  7. But does this intolerence end with Rick Perry? Doesn’t it also infringe on your rights and mine, to hear each word Rick Perry wants to say or tweet? But no, we’re not allowed because he has to hold some in, buried deep inside, repressed for fear of a litigious minority. He’s surrounded by intolerant hypocrites who won’t allow him to speak out, and then they say things like this about him;
    “If you read Rick Perry’s CPAC speech as a righteous hillbilly with a jug of moonshine and washtub bass, it’s the best thing you’ll do all day.”
    Mr. Perry, I for one support your freedom of speech, and look forward to a future when I can hear a man who sounds like a righteous hillbilly with TWO jugs of moonshine, a washtub bass AND a foot operated bass drum.

  8. [P]Rick has a gift for taking ignorance to even lower depths than we ever dreamed possible.

    My sympathies to you open-minded, thinking folks in Texas.

  9. Speaking of intollerant.
    God put plants and animals on earth for man to use.
    How can you use tobacco for anything other than chewing or smoking, cows won’t even eat it. How can man restrict use of plants God put here for us to use? Tobacco, Cannibis, Coca.

  10. Sam in Kyle says:

    You can find Perry at his hunting ranch, Bigothead.

  11. Rick Perry can KISS MY BIG BLUE BUTT!

  12. Gramiam, I agree, and will join you in that. He can kiss thirty-six inches to the right, come back to the middle and kiss thirty-six inches to the left. And if he doesn’t want to, he’s [word omitted] intolerant.

    I guess he also thinks that anyone who wants equal rights is looking for “special privileges”.

    He’s a sad little man. And wrapping his lower half in a dead cow offends me as a vegetarian, so there.

  13. The idea of a straight, white wealthy man, who has only achieved what he has because of connections and money telling me that fighting for my basic civil rights is somehow asking for something special is highly offensive.

  14. maryelle says:

    Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion, yours especially.

    In that get up, he looks like he stepped right out of “Brokeback Mountain”.
    Darned if it ain’t Throwback Perry.

  15. My humble opinion, & I could be wrong, is that Perry could, in the long run, be a causative factor in turning Texas blue.

  16. hmmm, his total disregard of my rights to keep my weehaw from being invaded by some sort of wizards wand if I want to stop an unwanted pregnancy – oes that mean he is against all women’s*:

    ice box
    noo noo
    nozzle trap
    piss wrinkle
    kipper dinghy
    cat pipe
    juice groove
    etc….. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=another%20name%20for%20a%20vagina&page=3

    seriously girlfriend perry – stay away from by “bidness”

    * thank you urban dictionary

  17. ‘Methinks (s)he doth protest too much.’
    Apologies to W.Shakespeare.
    Ricky, between your words- and that Brokeback mountain
    photo..you may as well c’mon out.

  18. Umptydump says:

    This article clears up everything in my mind except the following multiple choice answer possibility (PICK ONE):

    A.) Rick Perry would save a horse.
    B.) Rick Perry would ride a cowboy.
    C.) BOTH A and B above.
    D.) NEITHER A. NOR B. above.

  19. Cindy D. says:

    God bless (P)Rickless Perry for being a serious factor in turning Texas Blue. Everytime he opens his mouth a bell rings to indicate we just picked up a few more votes.

  20. I think W. ought to paint him.

  21. I would like to remind you all that all that about Rick Perry being not gay is merely hearsay and inadmissable. If Rick Perry wants to be not gay that is his right and if he’s not gay in the privacy of his mansion that is a private matter.

  22. scottybeamer says:

    In all my gay years, I have never looked as gay as Perry looks in that pic. He is only fooling himself, and not even very good at that either. He pings gaydar off the scale!!

  23. Jim Wright at Stonekettle Station write a great post yesterday. It’s worth your time to read it.

  24. TexasEllen says:

    That Brokeback Mountain poster amuses me every time I see it. Rick is Battleground Texas’ chief of motivation.

  25. MCPO Ret says:

    Please take June’s advice. Jim has a way with words that everybody needs and can get a boost from.

  26. Just Suze says:

    The only thing the shi (oops, sorry, mamma) poo between Perry’s ears has fertilized is the great crop of hair.

  27. @ june and MCPO Ret
    It is Juanita Jean and Jim who keep me sane in the midst of crazy fambly who send the teh stupid on a regular basis. I have finally learned how to block and delete without reading but I still know they are there. I have tried to send sane responses but insane people don’t like translators or translations. So I read JJ and Jim and and all the wonderful comments and keep going.

    Y’all here at TWMDBS,Inc., thanks for being the family I would choose if I could.

  28. maryelle says:

    Umptydump: Loved the multiple choice quiz. I am trying to apply algebraic logic to answer it.

    If not A, then B. If not D, then C.
    Definitley not A, D or C.

    It has to be B or AC/DC.

  29. If I miss a minute of the Beauty Shop, I’m too late for the rodeo – everybody said it all, perfectly, as usual. Thanks.

    To you, June, thanks, had not gotten around to Jim Wright yet this week. I really love that man’s writing~

    As far as Brokeback Perry, please do something to get rid of him~pretty please, my Beloved Blue Texas~

  30. @ 🙂 – Body paint?! That’s a mental image I can do without. (Thanks, self!)

  31. Umptydump says:

    It’s actually geometry, maryelle. A love triangle, with the vertices being:

    A = Perry
    B = Spouse or legally sanctioned partner
    C = Unknown and unsanctioned parter/opportunity of the moment … gender undisclosed or AC/DC as you point out.

  32. I’m pretty sure he’s Mr. September, but in what calendar?
