Unsettling Times? Claro Que Hell Yes.
Rick Perry, who is not gay nor has he ever made whoopie with another man, had some strong statements yesterday about those of us who believe in human rights.
Rick says we’re intolerant. Of his religious beliefs.
Think about that and try not to get dizzy.
Perry went on to suggest that the decision by LGBT rights advocates to fight for equal treatment was proof that they were themselves intolerant.
“The underlying problem is that there is this very vocal, very litigious minority of Americans willing to legally attack anybody who dares utter a phrase or even a name that they don’t agree with,” he said. “In a twisting of logic, they insist on silencing the religious in the cause of tolerance. Now I ask you, where is the tolerance in that?”
Perry, who is not now nor has ever been gay, says that what happens in your bedroom with the door closed insults his religion. Well, drinking alcohol insults Verdelia’s Baptist religion so all y’all have got to stop drinking it. Even in Minnesota and Delaware and places like that because Verdelia wants you to be tolerant of her beliefs all over the damn place.
But Rick Perry, who has never even touched or unnecessarily smelled a gay person, thinks we’re the intolerant ones for not respecting his wild and crazy religious beliefs. Is Rick really saying that if he doesn’t have Seder, he’s intolerant of Jews? Hell, even the Scientologists don’t whine when I say their wild and crazy beliefs are wild and crazy.
Rick Perry, who never even thinks about gay stuff, is deeply offended by your civil rights crapola.
So if you’re going to do something gay, don’t tell him. He already knows it all.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.