Unseemly Joy

November 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

State Representative Aaron Pena (no tilde because the man does not deserve it) switched from the Democratic to the Republican party days after he was elected as a Democrat.  We do not know what the Republicans promised him for that switch, but it better not have been a safe seat.

When the GOP-controlled Texas House gave him his safe for lifetime seat, Aaron was happy and just a tad more cocky than usual.  But, the three judge panel took it way.  They drew a 75% Democratic district that is heavily Hispanic.  And in one of those dripping ironic moments, the swing judge who did this is a Hispanic Republican. The maps were that embarrassingly partisan.

Aaron Pena announced today that the Karma Fairy visited early and he will not run for re-election.  And with a straight face, he said —

My decision to switch parties was met with derision by many who accused me of doing so as a quid pro quo. As I said then and is now evidently clear I did so because I felt it was the right thing to do rather than because I expected a political favor in return.

Yo, Pena, the Republicans tried to reward you, but justice and honor took it away.  That’s what Republicans do, my friend.  They make promises that their butt can’t keep, and I am unseemlingly  joyful that you learned that lesson the hard way.

Don’t let the door hit ya ….

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