Welcome to The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston. I live in Richmond, Texas, in the heart of Tom DeLay's old district. It's nuttier than squirrel poop here.
I am honored and privileged to know Miss Juanita Jean Herownself, hairdresser extraordinary and political maven. Since she does not have time to fiddle with this internet stuff, I type her website for her and you can read it if you want to. If you don't, she truly does not give a big bear's butt.
A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. This is a professional political organization.
“All in all not a bad guy – if looks, brains and personality don’t count.”
“…You better hope they don’t.”
Miller’s Crossing, The Coen Brothers
1And he still had his orange face paint on for his mugshot .
2How long do you think he practiced that look in the mirror thinking it made him look tough. Instead of a wannabe poseur.
3I guarantee he was practicing that face in the mirror on the way down.
4Looks more evil than tough to me.
5Jace – it’s called the “Kubrick Stare”, a look developed by director Stanley Kubrick to indicate that a character has reached peak derangement. https://www.thewrap.com/trumps-glare-likened-to-iconic-stanley-kubrick-villains-at-the-peak-of-their-derangement/
6That pic is very similar to the one accompanying his threat to come after those who come after him. Is this his silent reminder?
7I can see him putting his mug shot on a coffee mug or bubble gum cards to sell to his followers.
8I believe he has bought himself some new hair. Somewhere there is a bald highland cow running around.
9The grifting continues, unabated.
“…an official …[45] fundraising website is already selling T-shirts and coffee mugs with an image manipulated to appear as if the former president is in a booking photo with height markers behind him and a board in front with his name and the date, ’04 04 2023′ – the day he was indicted in New York on fraud charges.
Merchandise with the real thing is likely to sell briskly given the enthusiasm with which the former president’s supporters now treat each public humiliation as an accomplishment…”
10Wow, that’s exactly how he looks when Melania won’t give him any, right before he starts crying like a baby, waahhh I want my mommy!
11I dunno. He looks like he is leaning forward . . maybe taking a whiz. A lotta old guys take their time in this activity. Oh hell, what do I know.
13There’s a new photo out with Hillary sipping tea from a mug with his mugshot on it. Came in an email so I can’t share it here, but look for it!
14He’s been crying, hasn’t he.
16Three doctors met in a bar and started bragging about their work.
The first said “ “I sewed 2 fingers back on a guy’s hand and did it so well he still became a famous pianist.”
The second one said, “That’s nothing. I sewed a runner’s leg back onto his torso and did it so well that he was able to win gold in the Olympics”.
The third said, “A cowboy and his horse were hit by a train and the only thing i had left to work with was the guy’s ass and the horse’s strawberry blond mane. I did my best and the guy became president.”
17There should be a song about inmate P01135809. Someone with some talent………please….I got it, for a liar call P011 35 80 niiine.
18Papa @19, Think that the third one got transposed, fixed it for you:
‘ The third said, “A cowboy and his horse were hit by a train and the only thing i had left to work with was the horse’s ass and the guy’s dyed strawberry blond mane [*does anybody believe DiJioT’s hair isn’t really solid silver?]. I did my best and the guy became president.” ‘
19* Fake dyed blonde hair, and what about the self-declared “6′ 3″ height and 215lb weight”?
Complete bullshit, no way in hell that Mr. 30K Lies is anywhere near those numbers.
6′ 1″ at max [see pics of him even with 6′ 1″ Obama], probably 5’ 10″ + shoe lifts, at least 270-290lb weight.
I’m sure he had a handler/makeup person advise him that he could come of as fierce and look thinner by sucking in his cheeks and cocking his head down to cover his double chin. He practiced, practiced, practiced. The picture of him going into the Fulton County jailhouse looked completely different. 215 lbs? He takes us for fools but knows his cultists are fools.
20Lol everyone, loved the jokes and yes he practiced for hours! But if you want the facts sometimes you have to ask your locale Bookie …
“While most of the smart money was on Trump being north of 300 pounds, *** reports came in that the (Ex-twiced impeached) President WAS NOT WEIGHTED, and instead claimed to be 215 pounds.***
BetOnline was not convinced, and decided to refund all the bets for everyone who took the over, while simultaneously paying out all the winners who took the under.”
I think this one puts it in better perspective.
22A scary face? Really? Where have I seen that face before? Years ago when one of my children (who shall be nameless) refused to eat the veggies I served him or even when he insisted that No, he did not need to go potty!!
Oh, yes he did!
23The owner of “truth” social, dumpy donald, follows up his arrest statements with this yesterday-
So let’s see, he weighs 215 elbees and shot a 67 on his golf course to win his club championship. Besides the bullshit about shooting a 67 (wonder who kept score and for what bribe), the pictures of the stealthy trumpf are with a 1000 words. 215#- he neglected to say his scale only goes to 215#. And people believe him. Well some people.