Unpack Your Bags. Michigan Cancelled the Victory Party.
Here’s how you know the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Republicans in Michigan cancelled their election night victory party.
But the state Republican Party is taking this year off, citing the cost and the fact there isn’t a statewide race at the top of ticket or special connection to GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump or his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.
“It is a costly endeavor and we are using all available resources to elect Republicans,” said Sarah Anderson, communications director for the Michigan Republican Party.
That’s a weird way to throw in the towel, don’t you think. I mean, that has to be real uplifting for the down ballot Republican candidates.
Honey, I live in Texas where Democrats haven’t won anything since Elvis died. But, hell, we party on election night anyway. We’ve been known to get drunk and dance on tables. And by we, I mean me.
I have to share a sweet little story with you. At our state convention during the senatorial district meetings, we elect “electors” who go to the state capitol and cast a vote toward our state’s electoral votes. If Republicans win the state, their delegates go. If Democrats win the state, they go – at least we think so because that’s the best we can remember.
Since Democrats haven’t carried the state in decades, it’s an honorary position and delegates vote to give it to someone who worked hard or is elderly and needs honoring. The guy we elected in my senatorial district lives in a small county and holds garage sales to open a headquarters. (Y’all paid for his county’s ballot by mail program and he almost cried when I told him.) He has done this for years and it pleased him greatly to win this honor by acclamation.
Holy cow, y’all, I will dance in the street if Hillary carries Texas and Jose gets to go cast my district’s vote for Hillary Clinton. I swear I’ll cry.