Unhinged and Unfit

July 25, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Flamethrower, Trump

Long before Cheeto Jesus became active in politics, I believed he was nothing but a snake oil salesman.  His reputation as a fraud in business, a lecher with women, a crass carnival barker and shameless promoter were well known.  I refused to watch his silly scripted “reality” shows, would change the channel when he was a guest on talk shows, and certainly wouldn’t frequent any of his businesses when in New York.  His campaign, and his subsequent infestation of the White House were and are simply appalling.  But yesterday?  In front of FORTY THOUSAND young boys at the Boy Scout Jamboree?  Donald Trump’s behavior was simply unacceptable.  Foul language, sarcastic, self-serving rhetoric, political and personal attacks were infused throughout his shameful performance.  My God, it was simply the worst of the worst.  How do you teach your child to be loyal, trustworthy, and honest when the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exhibited NONE of these qualities?

For months I have tried to come up with a one word descriptor for this, this, thing.  The only word that comes to mind is shitbag. (Sorry, Momma)  This word is short and unambiguous.  I know it’s offensive to some, but I couldn’t be more offended than I am now.  New York Magazine has just posted a really good summary of the 14 inappropriate things Trump said in front of our nation’s youth.  It’s hard to read, but you need to do it.

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0 Comments to “Unhinged and Unfit”

  1. I wonder what he would have spewed had that been a convention of GIRL Scouts. Besides admiring their, um, ‘physical attributes’ of course.

  2. G Foresight says:

    Politics seeping into every niche and corner of society….

    Such troubling behavior reminds me of the Young Pioneers.



    Their oath: “I (surname, given name), having now joined the ranks of the Vladimir Illich Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization, in the presence of my comrades solemnly promise: to passionately love my motherland and to cherish it as I can, to live, study, and fight as the Great Lenin has instructed, as the Communist Party teaches me, and as to always comply with the laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union.” http://preview.tinyurl.com/z4q7ub7

  3. Larry from Colorado says:

    I have been a registered adult leader with the Boy Scouts off and on [more on than off] for almost 40 years. That performance yesterday by a man who never kept one of the 12 points of the Scout oath was beyond disgusting.

  4. G Foresight–Whoa. I am *so* disappointed in the behavior of both the crowd and the noisemaker standing in front of them. I’ve never thought of scouting–Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts–as a junior KKK, but this is alarming.

  5. Tilphousia says:

    I am saddened and repulsed by traitor trump’s atrocious performance. The repugnant obscenely obese tub of rotted orange lard has no business speaking to boys. His example is the very worst. Traitor trump has sleazed his way out of responsibility for his immoral, evil actions his entire life. He is not fit to hold any office.

  6. Call 1-972-580-2000 or 1-972-580-2489 to express your opinion of the president*’s “performance” at the Scout Jamboree. Don’t bother with listening to option 7. It’s the standard boilerplate about Scout policy. Go straight to option 9 and give them an ear full.

    It is appalling and deplorable that BSA would defend this in any way.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie, 1/2 ton of covfefe and all things st00pid. Surely Messy could have stolen a more appropriate speech for Donnie to read to the kids.

  8. I am an Eagle Scout, and attended the 1974 Jamboree as my reward for that work. I don’t recall that Nixon flew out to Coeur d’Alene for the festivities, but then again he was just a few weeks ahead of leaving office, so he was somewhat occupied with other things.

    Regardless, it’s protocol for the BSA to invite the sitting president to come and speak, so I’m not putting THIS particular one on them (though if I could have found it at the time they would have gotten my badge back for their LBGT policies). Of course, asking The Current Occupant to moderate his speechifying tends to remind one of the tale of the frog and the scorpion… it’s just his nature.

  9. Malarkey says:

    Well, that was just plain incoherent and nonsensical in places. And the rest of it was just plain lies.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    El Jefe … for once, I am in total agreement with you! As well as with everyone else on here this morning!

  11. I can forgive youngsters for being caught up in the pep rally atmosphere and cheering the President; I cannot forgive adults for having done so and for continuing to offer slavish, unthinkable bling devotion.

    CNN has the most appalling 20 statements of the speech.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    And, yet, more Congressional hearings as if the Drumpf obvious wasn’t so covfefe obvious. Not to say some Congress members are a little slow, but. Here’s Randy Rainbow to lend them a clue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYgi5MyMqCs

  13. My daughter opined that he told his cocktail party story, to lay the groundwork for teaching the BSA how to do “locker room take” correctly.

  14. Dene Grigar says:

    I cannot even imagine how BSA thought it would be a good idea to have this man, knowing the language he uses when talking about women and other bad behavioral issues, speak to young boys of America. I question the judgment of BSA leaders in making this choice. If I had a son old enough to be a boy scout, I would not allow them to be. Shame.

  15. Cheryl! Thanks for brightening the day with that link.

  16. publius bolonius says:

    Dipstick Donnie has been a raging a-hole since the 70’s. Nothing new to see.

  17. maryelle says:

    That speech was not just political, it was downright sleazy.
    President Obama gave a proper speech via TV which was inspiring. This sleazeball treated the kids to propaganda and sleaze. He sure did feel like a big man, lying to all those kids.
    I despair for the future of this country.

  18. EVERY previous president has given a decent, respectable speech that was just fine for any boy to hear. It is only Orange Whore who sinks to new and previously undiscovered levels of loathsomeness.

    Jane and PKM, thanks for the Rainbow Randy link. And Cheryl, thanks for the Girl Scouts one. I read some scathing FB comments to BSA from parents who were totally sickened by the shameful Orange Whore display. BSA has issued a statement saying they take no political positions and are a completely non-political entity. Really what else could they do? Say they think the pres is a complete ass? I’m sure they did not expect him to behave like a complete and total Orange Whore in that setting. I didn’t, and I think Orange Whore is less than the stuff I used to scrape off my boots after coming in from the barn. He stinks worse though.

  19. Here is the entire BSA statement in response to the Orange Whore fiasco:

    “The Boy Scouts of America is wholly non-partisan and does not promote any position, product, service, political candidate or philosophy,” it says. “The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition and is in no way an endorsement of any political party of specific politics.”
    “The sitting U.S. President serves as the BSA’s honorary president,” it adds. “It is our long-standing custom to invite the U.S. President to the National Jamboree.”

  20. oldymoldy says:

    Well, wasn’t that an eye-opener?! Naw! what would we expect? Exactly what we got. What a slimy bastard. No doubt my lunatic republican/xtian relatives are singing his praises and swinging their flags as they stumble over one and other to make one apology after the next for him. As many have said before, this is absolutely the behavior of an outright fascist.

    My sons, now in their late thirties, were eagle scouts. Not very enthusiastic ones I admit, nor was I a particularly enthusiastic ES dad. Be that as it may, I intend to suggest that they send their pins back! I could just puke!

  21. Lunargent says:

    Well, that was a spectacle.

    A 71-year-old emotional adolescent, connecting with 45,000 real adolescents. And using the occasion to spew hatred, lies, and outright delusion.

    For me, the most telling and pathetic thing:
    His assumption that a crowd of 45,000 boys and young men, who were attending a 10-day, once every 4 years convention, were there just to see and support him. After all, he’s been made their honorary president. Just like every other US president for decades.

    One of my fellow Ravelers has come up with the best description I’ve heard to date: F****ng orange tinpot Hitler.

    A disgraceful day for America.

  22. Any “president” who goes to a memorial service for CIA employees who died in the line of duty and uses the occasion to spout about his inaugural crowd size and other narcissistic BS is not going to suddenly act like an adult in front of a crowd of Boy Scouts. Put him in front of a crowd of any kind for any reason and all he can think of is Me Me Me.

  23. Do those scouts who cheered The Fuhrer and booed Hillary Clinton and Obama now receive their Hitler Youth merit badge?

  24. “Infested the White House”. I love it. When we finally get rid of them the Terminex bill will be ‘huge’. But it will be worth it. I hope we don’t have to burn it down, that would be ‘sad’.
    Oh, and the Roto-Rooter bill………………

  25. Hey, speaking of Boy Scouts: Rick Perry, practicing “friendly” part of the Scout Law, took a phone call from some Ukrainians the other day.

    Only they weren’t Ukrainians.

    Unclear whether Perry gave away any atomic secrets.

