Uh Oh, Handsome and Intelligent?

October 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the stories about Trump calling gossip columnists pretending to be his own publicist?

I’m not saying he’s doing that again, but … okay, I admit it.  I am saying that.

He has been noticeably quiet about Forbes Magazine dropping his net worth by $600,000, dropping him 92 slots on their richest people.  No Twitters.  No outrages from Sarah Hunkabooboo.  Hum … that’s unlike Trump.  He loves to brag about how rich he is.

However, Forbes did get an interesting voice mail last night.

“This message is for anyone in concern. I’m a supporter of Donald Trump. I love him and his very intelligent family. And this is like Forbes Magazine are in conspiracy to break this man financially, it seems. Donald Trump has more money than he ever had. So Forbes making noise about some three point something billion is fake news and therefore Forbes is on the drain-the-swamp list. Steve Bannon will make sure magazines and businesses like you will go down because Donald Trump is very intelligent, very handsome. His children are very beautiful, very handsome. They have the highest IQs than any racist or anybody in this county. And we love him, and he will continue to run this country, and his children will too. So f— Forbes Magazine, and you can stick that fake news up your ass.”

If you have to mention your intelligence or IQ three times in one phone message, you probably aren’t all that smart.  And, Honey, there ain’t nobody who would call Trump handsome.

Okay, so maybe this was just one of his friends.  No, it wasn’t and you know it.


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0 Comments to “Uh Oh, Handsome and Intelligent?”

  1. That phone call is one humongous pile of caca del toro.
    And his two grown sons look like Beavis and Butthead, but I bet B&B can outwit them.

  2. “This message is for anyone in concern.”

    Strangled grammar and syntax: yep, that’s signature Trump.

  3. Oh come on now, most intelligent and very handsome. If it is not trump himself he had to dictate this to one of his delusional supporters. I told you before my brain is starting to really hurt from all this head shaking.

  4. That from a man with too many unlisted phone numbers to call from. I hate to think what he’s considering for his unlisted nukes.

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I believe the caller meant to say that the Trumps have the “highest IQs” OF any other racists in the country.

  6. fierywoman says:

    Check out Ivanka’s modeling years from Vanity Fair, before she had big boobs:

  7. Yes, that was tRump all right! He just couldn’t make his lonesome self do any real policy work. After all, it is real work and never having been a genuine CEO, work just ain’t where he’s at.

  8. I don’t know. Trump would have said “very, very” at least three times.

    But I’ll believe that he has more money than he ever had, because he’s making a profit from his office, which should be an impeachable offense.

  9. A poor addled brained soul.

  10. Definitely Orange Whore, down to his gross and disgusting toes that he hasn’t seen in years.

  11. Tilphousia says:

    Vintage trump. Bad grammar, horrible sentence structure. But that’s what to expect from a toddler. Sinking lower by the minute.
