Uh Oh
Y’all, we are in big trouble now.
Trump said he met with the president of the Virgin Islands.
Trump is the president of the Virgin Islands. That can only mean one thing — he cloned himself.
And if he did it once, he can do it again. Over and over and over. Then he can become president of every state. And then Hawaii. And Iran.
This is not good.
I can’t deal with two of him…just can’t.
1Hey Donnie, “over here” … Nevada with a request, would you please disavow us, too?
On the “good” news front, seems Kim Jong Un pulled one of those talented Donnie stunts where a man can actually tap dance on his own short comings while wearing golf shoes. Kim has apparently wrecked devastation on his own nuclear test site at Punggye-ri. OOPS
2Now that’s scary.
3But I would pay $10 to see the horror film version, “Night of the Living Trumps vs. Trumpenstein.”
So he talked to an imaginary person, or himself. Either way there is a psych issue.
4I don’t care what he believes as long as he can’t make laws that are binding. I just want him gone, sooner than later. And I don’t want him holding any buttons.
5Reminder, if you have a kid between 18 and 26, they have to register with Selective Service. Google and read about it. It’s just a list of names and contact info in case we go to war and need more cannon fodder. If they don’t register, they can be fined $250 or put in jail. You can get forms at Federal buildings. There are exceptions. If the kid is planning to fit in as a conscientious objector, they need to get involved in a peace group.
Not to worry, JJ–he looked in the bathroom mirror this morning while he was sitting on the john.
6Somebody just shoot this ignorant a**h*** and get it over with.
7Wow. So he’s, like, Sybil now?
8There’s talking to yourself and then there’s having losing arguments with yourself.
10Winning or losing that type of argument depends on which cycle of manic depression Donnie’s experiencing at the time.
There’s talking to yourself – ok
There’s arguing with yourself – ok sort of
There’s arguing with yourself and losing – take long vacation
BTW more than one trump is more than anyone can handle. If that horror movie was true, find me a bridge to jump off.
11The stupidity is just beyond, uh… stupidity!
12rump is President of the Virgins.
13Um, he ran into himself coming. I’d rather see him going. Oh, and it seems his base does not have any level of him that would turn them off and rise against him. At least that tells me everything I never wanted to know about them.
14Horcruxes, not clones.
15Rhea … I’m with you! And not just Trump but all his cronies in the White House, too! Let that be one massacre no one cares to know about! 🙁
16I think he might have said “precedent” as in there is no precedent for what has happened in the Virgin Islands.
17@ Ernie – Horcruxes, exactly! And everyone working in this administration is a dementor. Every. Last. One.
18OT, but was that JJherownself in the ballpark with an orange shirt on?
19Not to worry. Two times zero is still zero.
20President of the Virgin Islands: what a really, really big loser. Sad!
21Trump would never clone himself – he wouldn’t trust the clone, because he’d know what the clone was capable of.