Uh …. I Forgot — OH HELL, YES, IT’S UPDATED!

November 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The White House is where we’re reminded that the most dangerous airborne virus in America isn’t Ebola, it’s Amnesia.

Remember that completely unqualified guy the Republicans think is the next Antonin Scalia so they voted him a lifetime appointment as a federal judge, even though he’s fresh out of law school and has never tried a case?  Brent Talley is on the road to being a punchline in Trump era jokes.

I know you’re going to be surprised, but his main qualification is amnesia.


Now, that’s some souped-up, doubled geared, rootin’ tootin’ case of amnesia.  Oh yeah, I forgot, my wife is the White House counsel’s chief of staff, who is also being called as a witness in the Mueller investigation.

Ms. Donaldson has emerged in recent weeks as a witness in the special counsel’s investigation into whether Mr. Trump obstructed justice. She was interviewed by investigators recently about her detailed notes about conversations with Mr. McGahn on topics including the firing of the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people briefed on the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation with reporters.

Well, isn’t that just too cute!

I swear that the White House is the mob with all the crime families taking over.

Let’s see — he’s 36 years old, has only been a lawyer for three years, has held low level government desk jobs since law school, was only the second nominee since 1987 to be unanimously voted Not Qualified by the American Bar Association, has never tried a case in his damn life, but ta! da! he’s married to McGahn’s chief of staff!

Oh yeah, and Alabama’s two Republican senators recommended him.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

UPDATE:  Oh, the fun just ever ends.

(Please look down at your own risk.  Please don’t be drinking coffee or any crap like that.  Got it? Okay.)


Oh, it gets even better.

He also wrote books about paranormal activity and “has a cult following.”

You know that guy on the Discovery Channel who talks about space aliens?


I think Republicans are voting to give him a lifetime appointment as a federal judge.

This.  This right here is why we can no longer tell satire from reality.


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