Uh, Excuse Me, Congressman, But I Think You Just Stepped on Your Winkie.

October 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Utah Republican Congressman and part time rocket scientist Jason Chaffetz is not a fan of Ron Klain as Ebola Czar.

100427_chaffetz_ap_376Chaffetz has a much better idea.

“Why not have the surgeon general head this up?” Chaffetz asked in a Wednesday appearance on Fox News. “I think that’s a very legitimate question. At least you have somebody who has a medical background whose been confirmed by the United States Senate.”

Okay, two things.  No, three things.  I just thought of another thing.

1.  There is no surgeon general because … well, you.  The President nominated a teacher at Harvard Medical School but that guy refused to say that bullets are good for you so Republicans blocked him and refuse to act on his appointment.

2.  You guys holler and screamed that this country needs an Ebola Czar.  Now you’re whining because he got one.

3.  No, Ruch Limbaugh cannot be Ebola Czar based on his vast drug experiences.

Hours after saying this, Chaffetz said that he meant the acting surgeon general.

“Well I do know there’s an acting surgeon general, I understand that. The surgeon general is also an office. It’s the Office of the Surgeon General. I know there’s some confusion there, but I don’t think I was confused,” Chaffetz said.

Yeah, tripped yourself, didn’t ya?

Thanks to Glen for the heads up.

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