Two Pigs in a Poke
Yesterday, Cheeto Jesus appointed his two top strategists for the coming January 20th Apocalypse. What was striking about these appointments was not only their similarity – they’re both well known pigs; but also their differences – outside pig versus inside pig. The outside pig is Steve Bannon, CEO of that den of serial liars called Breitbart “News”; the inside pig is RNC chairman and serial loudmouth, Reince Priebus. Cheeto Jesus couldn’t have chosen a worse pair to run the White House except for maybe someone like Hannibal Lector or Freddy Krueger. The choice of these two characters is shocking, but not surprising.
Priebus has been chief liar chairman of the RNC since 2011. Before joining the RNC, he was chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party and played a key role in inflicting Paul Ryan and Scott Walker on the American people. He’s well known for his fast talking schtick, and is a regular on RW media, spewing nonsense and outright falsehood. He jumped on board with Cheeto Jesus in his rise to the GOP nomination, and proved himself to the candidate by wallowing in the mud to help propel him to the White House.
Bannon, is a pig of a different color. Starting out in investment banking, he developed a media firm that played to the right wing. After he took over Breitbart around 2011, he’s propelled it from just an offensive lie generator sponsoring oddballs like James O’Keefe, who has styled himself as an “investigative reporter” and who is anything but. He made a splash by publishing heavily edited videos of ACORN employees, and succeeded in wrecking that organization, which helped poor people find housing, and never really paid a price for his wholesale lies. In recent years, though, Bannon has recast Breitbart as not only a RW lie generating machine, he embraced racist white nationalists and anti-Semites. Not surprisingly, Trump brought him on board as CEO of his presidential run. Unfortunately, Bannon did a brilliant job, and succeeded in getting the worst candidate for president in US history actually elected.
Priebus is a well known pig and he’s the insider. Bannon, however, is a lesser known pig, and being an outsider is at best feral. More likely, he’ll be Trump’s wild boar, goring everyone who gets in the way.